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CJ, Krishtevonne and Catholics. What is an obligatory Catholic?

Being an obligatory Catholic is not part of the Catholic faith by practicing and living faith by saying one must or have to gain salvation. Catholic faith is response out of love and dedication.


What is Faith? Faith is a noun not an action and if you say faith along without any works (action which is verb) to gain salvation. You don’t have merits which are Christianity Spiritual credit gated for good works. If you don’t have credit how are going to answer to your creator in heaven that you did God’s will on earth (which are actions that come from his grace). In order for you to do his will you must show works of merits on earth when you face him in heaven in last judgment.

Update 2:

God as a judge will judge your faith by works of faith which bases his sentence (heaven or hell). For example; if one says that he is a good architect (faith) then he should have built good buildings which are actions (which are good works of an architect and proof). Grace is given by God. God does not have possessive love which is not true love and saves use without merits. He gave use free will (response to his true love) because he loves use first (by dieing in the cross) we let God’s Grace to work in use. In love, how will separate use from the love of God.

Update 3:


Being an obligatory Catholic is not part of the Catholic faith by practicing and living faith by saying one must, one have to, should in order to gain salvation. Catholic faith is response out of love and dedication.

Update 4:


Act 16, 31 you need to read little more on Act 16, 31-34. They had to believe the result of their faith then he and all his family were baptized at once.


He brought them up into his house and provided a meal and with his household rejoiced at having come to faith in God.

He just could not stay with faith along and just skip baptism. Because he had faith he soon baptized and come to faith in God. Here I don’t see faith along but faith cause his works (baptized is verb and action which is works).

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John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave 7 his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.

Again don’t see faith along. I see work and faith. If God did not give his only Son we would have eternal life and could not believe in him. By given his only Son (works), so that everyone who Believes in him (faith) …

Update 6:


Romans 10:9-10 If you read little more. You will see this faith of believe becomes works Romans 10:9-15. Christian are assured that no one who believes in Jesus will be put to share of doing God will to preach (verb) the good news. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring [the] good news: in Semitic fashion, the parts of the body that bring the messenger with welcome news are praised. Works are feet of those who bring the good news: in Semitic fashion, the part of the body what bring the massager (works). Again I don’t see bible separating faith and works.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A true Christian cannot separate grace, faith,hope and love and the works of grace

    So called faith which refuses to work is a potentially deadly delusion which can leave one in unrepented mortal sin and alienated from Christ and His Body

    If one trusts Jesus he will trust His threats as well as His nicer promises

    Jesus taught the contrary to radical salvation by isolated faith:Matt 25:31-46(Sheep and Goats Judgement) is but one example

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