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michael p asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Why do I keep reliving my dream?

Several years ago I experiencing a devastation in my life. Something tragic was done to me that totally changed my life.

At least two-three times each week I dream about the event. When I wake up, I spend my day in a saddened mood.

I have learned that there are evil people within society. I can't stop dreaming about the two people who caused my life to be turned up side down.

Please comment with helpful suggestions as my mind is fragile and doesn't need any more pain and rejection.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i am so sorry,

    1. you went through a tragic event, you might need to go to a therapist (i did it worked well)!!

    2. reliving an event from your life is your brain trying to explain/work through it as well as it can

    i hope you get better soon:)

  • 1 decade ago

    Bring the people who caused the pain and tragedy to justice. Also meditate before sleeping, clear your mind of any thought on the event and then before you fall asleep think of something happy and focus on that. This will hopefully cause your first 2 stages of sleep to not think of the event. During the day focus on positive things and do your best not to remember the event this will hopefully cause your third and fourth stages of sleep to not think of what happened. If after two weeks the problem continues seek therapy. Sleep disruption can be devastating on your body.

  • 1 decade ago

    My best advice would be to comfront the trauma head on!

    it is obvious that there are still some unresolved issues. i suggest you work them through the theripist, its not abad thing to see a theripist it just means you want a change. Additionally its not good to be sad most of the day. it can lead to depressiona and this thing similar to paranoid schitsofrenia.

  • 1 decade ago

    thats normal

    if something traumatic or tragic happens to someone, its something they will remember

    usually the dreams come back during times of heightened stress

    just think that whatever happened can't hurt you anymore

    you may not think about it all the time, but unfortunately you will never forget what happened

    but maybe there's something you can learn from it

    what you're going through it perfectly normal, and i suspect that the dreams will subside with time

    just be patient...

  • 1 decade ago

    Get with a psychologist and work through this calamity. Your words tell a story of someone who hasn't finished processing the devastation.

    PTSD is a form of the kind of problem you're describing.

  • 1 decade ago

    its just trauma and sometims people never stop rembering. you could see a phycoligist about it.

    ps just wondering what was that event that is so traumatizing?

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