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Why do Liberals love Terrorists?

I'm confused here. What is up with Liberals wanting to "sit down and talk" or "protect" terrorist organizations, like the Hamas?

Is it alright that they do **** like crucify people, rape and murder innocent civilians, and use women and children as human shields? Is this what Americans aspire to nowadays?

Terrorists don't listen to ideas of peace.

Israeli tried for 18 MONTHS to peacefully get the Hamas to stop lobbing rockets and mortars into Israeli and killing innocent civilians.


Any other country would have gone in and fought back after the first or second attack.

Is Israeli not allowed to defend itself?

And don't anyone come in here B****ing about how Israelis are killing innocents. They are calling civilians are warning them to get the hell out when they plan to strike a Hamas target. What other country on Earth would do that?

THey don't deserve the hate their getting. They want peace, same as everyone in America, but still, people would rather see the terrorists glorified.

My question is why? Why do people so admire terrorists? Terrorists that would as soon shoot you and rape your family as look at you.


I might be right wing, but not that far.

Please, go ahead someone. Explain to me exactly what the Hamas did that counteracts the Israelis they killed? Why should we side with the aggressors?

Maybe when North Korea attacked South Korea, we should have gone in on the other side, because apparently the correct thing to do is help those who started the fighting.

Or maybe when Hitler started taking over Europe. Should we have abandoned our allies and helped Hitler take over the world?

I'm going to have to say no. When a country attacks another country like that, and it's not to help the civilians in the country, the aggressor is in the wrong.

So please, tell me. Why is it alright for a bunch of raping, murdering, crucifying terrorists to attack a country, but it's not alright for that country to fight back?

Update 2:

Hmm, didn't realize that I was still considered a kid at 43. Here I was thinking I was getting old.

And yes, I'm very confused. So far, every response has been an irrational personal attack against my character, but

_not my facts_

This says to me that you people are bigots and hate Jews, while supporting terrorists.

I'm not trying to attack you people, I'm just pointing out the obvious.

And no, no it is not right wingers who are against Israeli. It's completely liberals.

Update 3:

persian prince:

Please feel free to explain how firing rockets at Israeli citizens isn't a terrorist act. Or the part about the Hamas slaughtering their own people after parading them naked through the streets.

And crucifying people may not be a terrorist act, but it sure as hell is ****ed up.

Update 4:


Dumbass. It was 1942. Pearl Harbor didn't happen until Dec. 7 1941, and we didn't get into the war until until Jan of 42. And are you saying we didn't fight Hitler? That we didn't save Britain, France, Belgium, and all the other countries he invaded?

Besides, my point was, by your logic, we should have allied with the aggressor- Hitler.

Update 5:

James H

What exactly was 18 months prior to the invasion? Were the Israelis and the Hamas just hanging out at the peace talks?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is nothing to be confused about. Liberals embrace one element that is key to understanding them, and it applies across the entire spectrum of their belief system, including coddling terrorists: they see everyone as victims of one kind or another, and the most atrocious of all persecutors of man are those who embrace Judea Christian views (other religions are 'cultural' and worth defending). Their mission is to fight anything that would legitimize Christian theology, which is why the focus is upon 'eliminating consequences' of what is considered to be misconduct or inappropriate according to moral standards that are expressed in Christian teachings. Since America is 60-70% Christian, it is the bane of the world.

    You could take any issue and see this connection at the root of the liberal position against it.

    A couple of examples:

    Issue: Islamic Terrorism

    Cause: Corrupt foreign policy of the United States (based upon values Western nations only embraced due to their Christian beliefs, such as the Crusades and beyond) causes people to hate America, and so the terrorists are actually those who fly aircraft equipped with bombs - and use them indiscriminately against their sworn enemies.

    Solution: It isn't a 'fair' fight, and so it justifies the 'victim mentality', for one. America is the oppressor - the biggest terrorist in the world. One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, so defend them in courts with the ACLU, even awarding them full constitutional rights. It was the same when Communists were operating in the government, which is why McCarthyism gained the distinction that it did. All they wanted to do was overthrow America, after all, and it deserved it then and does today as well. If they are enemies of America, you can bet that the liberals will befriend and defend them.

    Issue: Aids, spread almost exclusively by homosexual activity and intravenous drug use.

    Solution: Destigmatize the unfair moral assignment that Christianity would have us believe should exist with their overbearing views of the inappropriateness of homosexual activity and its consequences. Make the AIDS issue seem to be 'just as much a heterosexual' problem as a homosexual one (and intravenous drug user - we get a double hitter on this issue in terms of what constitutes inappropriate and/or self-destructive behavior). Don't allow facts to confuse the masses as to what kind of conduct results in contracting the disease - and more than anything else, provide the funding for research to eliminate the consequences. If this isn't done, then people might fall to the illusion that the Christian God put in place consequences for certain behavior ... can't have that. Indeed, this is also the reason why Darwinian theory is embraced and defended so strongly, despite evidence that is not confirmed in the scientific realm (such as the fossil record) - it eliminates the Christian God.

    The list goes on and on, but it all comes down to ebracing alternative morality to Judea-Christianity and the nuclear family those idiots keep trying to insist is best, and that it is by Design. How dare they foist their fantasies of such a deity on everyone else.

    Finally, remember that the Jews were the ones responsible for getting that whole Christian thing started, and you know why they support the terrorists with every fibre of their being.

  • 5 years ago

    The victimhood answer is spot on. To me though it boils down to the fact that liberals do not believe in absolute truths. They see the world through a single colored lens - grey. What is wrong for you might not be wrong for me. They are always looking for exceptions and extremely rare scenarios in order to tear down the obvious truths.

    There is another large component to liberal behavior. They are like teenagers that never grow up. They love to argue on the wrong side based on their feelings..not facts. They hate logic in general. This is why they love to 'attack the messenger' when they have no facts to back up their argument (see the previous comments in this thread for examples). When they respond this way, they look even more foolish. Also they don't even realize it!

    Another weird thing is that liberals actually know how ridiculous their positions sound to normal people. That is why only 20% of americans publicly identify themselves as being liberal. In fact liberals know that 'liberal' is a dirty word with negative connotations. That is why they now prefer to be called "progressives". Of course the rest of us know that the words are equivalent now so there is no point trying to hide it..they should just own it.

    They talk as though their make believe rules and world is real. Usually it isn't until they experience reality up close until they start to change their views. For example, many liberals are forced to grow up when they get a job(start paying taxes), start a family(want to live in a good school district), get robbed(oh those statistics about race really were true!), etc.

  • John
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Its not that they admire terrorists, rather they are prevented from taking any serious, effective action against terrorists, and defending the interests of the people who they are supposed to represent, by there own system of beliefs. Which are based on certain notions such as that the west and westerners are inherently evil and the oppressors, the scourge of mankind. And that anybody of a non western background or pretty much any third world government is a victim. This means that it is in their nature to appease terrorism, because they see the actions of terrorists as almost being justifiable.

    In Britain we have Muslim immigrants on the streets of London chanting “behead those who insult Islam”. And Muslim community leaders talking about starting a holy war in Britain against the “infidels”, however they are allowed to get away with this.

    As the self loathing nature of liberal types means that they are unwilling to stand up for western interests/values because to do so or to take any military action to fight terrorism is islamophobic,racist,imperialistic etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not sure who the real terrorists are...some betray the country they have lived in for religion..i am like wth? As long as, a man kills another man it is murder...and those who kill ppl in the name of god should have their whole family wiped off this earth...i really hope this happens...then human race might come to see that they have not really give a damn about mother earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can thank Bush and Condi for putting Hamas in power for encouraging elections in Palestine. Having elections in an unstable region will result in radicals taking power like Hamas being elected. Look at Afghanistan with their war lords controlling most of Afghanistan.

    For Israel I think they should be involved with President Obama to set up talks with Hamas like Nixon talked to the Soviet Union. Israel won the war and its time for a cease fire before it causes civil unrest in other parts of the Middle East.

  • 4 years ago

    The top answer explains everything. Liberals are Brown shirt Christian hating bigots.

    They have a long history of terrorism. Weather Underground, Black Panthers, Human Rights Campaign, BAMN etc. Look at their Nazi terror attacks at UC Berkley against a Jewish drag queen who came to speak about freedom of speech and look at the cover up and pathetic attempts to explain away their political violence. It is not hard to find out why America hating demonic fascists embrace foreign America hating demonic fascists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first,hamas is not a terrorist organization,they didnt terror any1,they didnt capture or torture any civilian,they fight with israel and ppl chose hamas as their goverment but we need some soft *** leader like mahmoud abbas to do whateva we say.second,israel is a terrorist nation,if israel didnt exist,there were no war in middle east,i dont hate jews,but i hate zionists and nazis both.israel is full of hatred,a nation tht claims they r chosen ppl of god,while they kill children and rape women,loot other countries and hav 400 nuclear bombs

  • 1 decade ago

    I think your question lost credibility when you labelled terrorist lovers as 'liberals'.

    Not everyone thinks of bombing another country first off, some people perhaps have more guile than that and try democratic means as a first step, you see?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I guess you missed the Reagan years, when terrorists were on the government payroll....


    LOL! Your WW2 history is a little off. The US didn't enter the war until 1941, and only after it was attacked by Japan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they are terrorists for a reason? Look at both sides of the equation. These people aren't just out to **** innocent civilians up because it gives them the jollies.

    I don't consider myself a liberal or a conservative but they have a reason to be pissed off at Israel. They also have a reason to be pissed off at us for support Israel no matter what it does.

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