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Has anyone seen this video clip? And why is it not in mainstream media?

Cut & paste this into google: Explosive Video Reich, Obamas economic advisor no "White Male Construction Workers"


I am an Irish woman married to a black man for 24 years, so dont even try to come back with Im being racist. As an Irish woman I am upset at the clearly racist views from just 3 days in Office.


I will definitely examine this again carefully - I don't want to pass along if it is indeed "dubbed" or otherwise tampered with.

Update 2:

vanessa - I don't have a "party"..I am more interested in my walk with Christ. But thanks for your assumptions, and presuppositions.

Update 3:

Good advice sparger6

Update 4:

I didn't :make anything up" - I just came across the video while browsing youtube.

Update 5:

I have researched all reliable sources - The remarks made by The economic advisor were actually stated....I had a problem, with the youtube video - because the audio was not in sync with the video - but archives and transscripts show that it was stated..

Update 6:

Hey "MOM" If you had properly read, I only state ancestry as not to hear from small minded individuals who would try to make my question a "racist comment". So your OPINION, and assumption that "It only becomes racial when " is clearly spoken from ignorance - simply because you think it does not make it so. And your statement of "my black man" is racist!! He is my HUSBAND - whom just happens to be a Peace Officer who made certain that he was not receiving a position based on his skin color!! - We have suffered racism over the past decades from ALL PEOPLE- of every race - had you ever, you would know that you can smell it, see it, sense it from 2 miles away in a monsoon rain!!!!

Update 7:

MOM and those like her - love to brow beat over the Internet - and then no avenue for contact - oh chickensh** is that???

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try watching it without the editorial script. For instance the script says "The long term unemployed minorities, women". When he clearly said "The long term unemployed, minorities, women" The script is clearly intended to state that the long term unemployed are minorities which is as bigoted as it gets.

    The remainder of the video is the same - rhetoric superimposed over snipets from the hearing. By the way, it was shown on TV? CSPAN is available from most cable and Satellite providers. It is the responsibility of the individual to be informed not the responsibility of the media to spoon feed it to the individual. I would suggest everyone watch the entire hearing to form an ACCURATE opinion of what is being suggested.

    You could always just go to his blog site and read his position for yourself. Or you can go to C-SPAN's video archives an search for it. Either way, get it with an unbiased slant before you draw any conclusions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Favoring white males has been a controversy for many years.

    If a white woman is hired to perform a certain task, she would undoubtedly be paid less than her white male counterpart performing the same job and having the same responsibilities. It only becomes racial when an Irish woman married to a black man for 24 years wants to make it a racial issue.

    We've gotten so use to it that a person who is seeking a job, relished on blemished of the fact that they were white, black or female..

    In this country, fairness in the next chain of important decisions to be made requires the statement "...not to simply practice giving all the jobs to white males, again".

    There is no way white males are going to be completely left out of America's employment package. To suggest otherwise would be racist.

    Reich says "...these jobs will not "SIMPLY" go to white male workers,,," as has been the practice in the past. The key word is "SIMPLY". He did not say "ONLY" blacks will be hired all across America! That and only that, would make it racial. Reich speaks of giving jobs to the long term unemployed, this includes white males. If there are no long term unemployed white males, how did that happen?

    Not only does your statement prove that a white woman can be married to a black man for 24 years and not yet been able to decipher blatant and sublineal unfair racist tactics experienced by your black man, but you are so blinded by racism that you are completely in the dark as to what has happened and continues to happen to woman in this country. Or should we say "...All Others"

    One last note, job discrimination in favor of white males has been in existence long before 24 years.

    Can't you tell?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is one of the thousands of video clips by the Republican extremists we are subjected to daily in the USA. From they take the W key out of the computers to Obama is a racist and the list is endless.

    We use to have freedom of speech in the USA and people were honest in what they believed and said.

    Now you can only speak out against liberals and most of what they say has no part in reality.

    We have learned sadly because they did use to be a political party of honesty.

    It is to bad because now we know they have told so many lies we do not believe anything they say anymore. So many have come up to me and said, "I use to be a Republican and felt it was a respectable party to belong to, but after the barrage of lies and misleading video clips circulating on the web I realized they were a bunch of liars and quit the party."

    So these kinds of video clips you think are helping your party are actually turning people against it. Everyone knows this is not true because it would be on Fox news. Anything they can get that has even a shred of true is exploited to make liberals look bad.

  • 1 decade ago

    yawn, out of context comments

    Reich didn't say: "no White Male Construction Workers", but I know conservatives love to make up stuff. Will give you credit with the video clip.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is quite obvious to even the casual observer that Reich's voice is not in sync with the video. This was dubbed in later. Professor Reich does not talk this way.

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