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Unusual butter chicken recipe?

I once had butter chicken that had fenugreek in it. I think the chicken was coated with herbs and spices and fenugreek was included. It gave it a fabulous smokey flavour.

I've searched everywhere for a recipe but all the butter chicken recipes I've found do not include fenugreek. Can anyone suggest a recipe?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. I found 8 recipes for Butter Chicken that include fenugreek as an ingredient. Follow this link and see which one you like:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Recipes : FENUGREEK


    1-1/2 cups red lentils

    500 grams picked fresh fenugreek leaves (Methi)

    4 big potatoes unpeeled and cubed

    1 teaspoon(s) cumin seeds C

    2 teaspoon(s) coriander seeds powdered

    2 tablespoon(s) each of ginger and garlic finely chopped

    2 while dry red chillies roasted

    2 green chillies finely chopped

    ½ teaspoon(s) each of turmeric and asafetida powders

    4 tablespoons butter / ghee (clarified butter) / oil

    salt to taste

    Source(s): M.L.J
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    follow whatever recipe you have and then add fenugrek paste to it or fenugrrek leaves

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