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Do you believe that people are inherently good or inherently bad?

My husband and I are on completely opposite sides of the fence on this. I always give people the benefit of the doubt until they do something that shows me that are not a good person. He is just the opposite. He believes that most people are not good people. What's your philosophy?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
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  • Equus
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It honestly depends on personal experiences and how the person was brought up which will ultimately decide if he is inherently good or bad. If someone was brought up with no influences from the outside world (this can't happen, but I'm saying hypothetically) then they wouldn't know what being 'bad' really is. In the real world though I don't think people in general are good. It takes some convincing for me to believe someone is a good person, so I'm with your hubby in this one.

  • 1 decade ago

    The term "innocent as a babe in his/her mother's arms" tells a lot about how many people perceive us at birth. It is hard to believe anyone might be inherently good or bad, but rather, develop what some consider good or bad as time moves along. Circumstances of birth, location, associations, upbringing, accidents, angle of the sun rays, intelligence, looks, should I go on. I have seen some of the most beautiful people very bad and on the other side of the coin, I have seen some very unusual people very wonderfully good. I am neither good nor bad at this moment, but only as you perceive me. Who is judging good and bad, who made the rules and are these rules universal, historical, temporary of fixed in stone. It is hard to be as good and open minded as you are and many people pass judgment on preconceived notions and shouldn't. Have you ever thought your husband might be looking out for your well being in cautioning you about the really bad people roaming around on our streets. He might be saying, it is better to err on the side of caution. You asked for philosophy and got a lecture. ha, that's the way I am. I love to write and thanks for letting me have this excuse.

    Source(s): Dr Robert E McGinnis (author of many fine young adult books of fiction)
  • prata
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    with the intention to respond to this question one ought to define what's powerful and undesirable, that's subjective to an persons very own doctrine or own morals. Your nature v.s nurture question has long been debated. it could be perverse for one to argue for one or the different for the reason that their is lots evidence that practice the two to be appropriate. In different words some relatively everyone seems to be born inherently "undesirable"(although your definition of undesirable may be) and alter through their environment, on an analogous time as others are born inherently "solid" and alter through environment. some human beings stay with their intrinsically "solid" or "undesirable" nature in spite of their environment.

  • jojo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think that most people are good. It seems the opposite because of what we see on the news and on TV. But think of what a small percentage of the actual population they are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, people have a natural tendency to be greedy.

    However, everyone has a sort of a spiritual part of themselves that seeks to break out and be good. Most people have not discovered this in themselves, and it is a hard nut to crack. Generally, things such as art help to bring this to life.

  • 1 decade ago

    My philosophy is just like yours. I can't imagine going through life thinking everyone is bad, until they prove to me that they are good. That might be the difference between a pessimist and an optimist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally I believe that all people are good, they just do some bad things. Some things that people do, like being rude or mean or anything like that, I think are traits that are picked up over time, by upbringing or who they hang around with. That's my two cents. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Im on the fence with this one. I try to believe that everyone is generally good at heart, but I am always disappointed. Seems, nowadays, everyone is out for themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's kinda the whole 'Nature/Nurture' argument. I think that we are all born slightly more inclined one way or the other, but we are shaped by our up-bringing and our parents, so if someone was born 'bad', it is possible for them to turn out 'good' if that is how they are brought up

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i believe that if your good or bad its from the kind of music you listen and from what people you hang out with

    if you are born in a good family you have more chances in being good

    than in the neighborhood that smokes kills and does drugs youll brobably turn out bad

    Source(s): i.m me and add me.............anybody? im bored here you can e mail also i will e mail back=]
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