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PLEASE Help me with this Children's Lesson for Church!?

I have to do the children's lesson at a church for girl scout sunday and I don't teach kids or anything religious very often and I need help on interpreting this info and how to present it to kids. Here is what I was sent about it:

The theme for the sermon is: "Being A Fruit Bearing Church; Passionate Worship"

The message is: The heart of passionate worship is the changing of hearts, redeeming of souls, and transformation of lives.

The scripture verse: Psalm 84

Your target audience is ages 2 - 8.

At the time for the Children's message, we usually invite them up to the front of the sanctuary, have some type of story or message (props or visual aids are welcome) and then close with a prayer. You can say the prayer or you can have them repeat it after you.

If you have any experience with Sunday School teaching or any kind of religious background and could help me I would REALLY appreciate it. Thanks a ton in advance!


The lesson they gave me was what the sermon is in church, I then call the children up and teach the same lesson in a way that makes sense to them

sorry if I didn't say that very clearly

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Joyfulness.... Jesus wanted us to be innocent like children and play before the Lord. It's the perfect theme for that. Have a guitarist lead them and give everyone instruments.

    "Lord of Glory" is a wonderful song and children love it... "Leaping the mountains, bounding the hills, see how our God has come to greet us! His voice is lifted, His face is joy, now is the season to sing our song on high!" - Tim Manion, in GLORY AND PRAISE, vol. 1

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe "

    The theme for the sermon is: "Being A Fruit Bearing Church; Passionate Worship"

    The message is: The heart of passionate worship is the changing of hearts, redeeming of souls, and transformation of lives.

    is a bit over their heads.

  • 1 decade ago

    Almost always I tell them a story, but I see no story to suit that theme or Scripture....

    If it were me, I would think in terms of cleaning house. The psalm praises the wonders of the Lord's house; our house isn't like the Lords, too bad, but we can begin to transform it; let's start by making it clean! This might tie neatly into Lent, as well. Sweep out the house! And to tie in with passionate worship, you could perhaps suggest how a broom is like joy that sweeps out grief; or a duster like hope that drives out despair, or a cloth like faith that washes away doubt ... It has to be very simple for such young ages. Of course I don't really know what your church calls "passionate worship" but in Lenten season the idea of getting rid of the dirt -- joyfully! -- is appropriate for Sunday, or so I think. And the prayer could be about making a clean house for God in each of our hearts. "The changing of hearts, the redeeming of souls, the transformation of lives."

  • 1 decade ago

    I have dealt with kids under 10 and read Psalm five times right now. Keep the message simple like going to "church" is a good thing and honesty is the best policy. Before they get their badges let your girl scout troop visit a another religious domination like synagogue or Buddhist temple or Mormon Church is okay too.

    Verse 10

    I rather be a doorkeeper in my House of God

    than dwell in the tents of the wicked

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This Psalm is one that extols the presence of God in the temple. At this time God's presence was not in the individual believers since the Holy Spirit was not yet given. Instead of possibly confusing them with this I would start out saying it is good to be in the house of the Lord because He is present when Christians gather together in His name not in the building itself. I would also say something about God dwelling in us through the Holy Spirit. I would say something about God using other Christians to build each other up using the gifts God placed in them. Some people are used by God to encourage others and would use this as an example in the story part of your presentation. I guess the bottom line is God is in Christians and uses them to build each other up during Church as well as Him being there supernaturally through the Holy Spirit. I would not use the King James version if you are quoting scripture. They might not get the meaning. I would think about using the living translation or some more modern translation. Hope this helps

    Source(s): Matt. 18:19,20 1 Cor 12 Rom 12 1 Cor 3:16 1 Cor 6:19
  • 1 decade ago

    Make a large posterboard with a picture of a church building on it and give it a huge smiley face with fruit drawn out in the front of the church. Say that this is the "fruitful and happy church". Then make another poster with a sad church where people litter and don't ever attend. Say that one is the "sad and unfruitful church". Show examples of both. Then you could even incorporate real fruit like apples, oranges or bananas to pass out to the children at the end of church.

  • layhew
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    There are books on newborn's classes. does not your church have any? What does Easter could desire to do with paying a debt (possibly he's questioning alongside the strains of our debt to Christ for putting on the bypass? yet then that should be too precis for infants to comprehend). perchance you need to ask the youngsters in the event that they have ever planted a plant, and it looked like it had died? How did they experience? yet whilst they watered that plant and gave it a brilliant number of sunshine, it grew and made a appealing flower (possibly hand out some little silk blooms from a bag to the youngsters) they have been (ask them how they experience) satisfied. and that's the way human beings experience at Easter because of the fact Jesus is alive. Your pastor desires to save the "sermon of Easter" for himself, yet he's not supplying you with lots to artwork with.

  • Bob T
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Make the theme being excited to come to church. Get them up front and make them pretend that they are at a sports game for the local pro team. Get them cheering. Then say that the Bible tells us to have that much excitement about worshipping God. We make think that the _______s are great when they win games, but our God is greater. He loves us and wants to bless us for more than three hours at the stadium. He wants to bless us and have us praise Him forever in heaven. Now to know that we are going to be with God forever in heaven is really something to cheer about.

    Wear a cap or a shirt from that local team to add to the atmosphere.

    Best wishes for connecting with the little ones.

    Source(s): Christian school teacher
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