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Question for those in favor of abortion...?

What is the difference between this picture:

...and this picture:

One is an anti-smoking ad. The other a picture of abortion's aftermath. Why is the pain and suffering in one pic (the anti-smoking ad) bad while the pain and suffering in the other is good? Why in the case of the smoking ad would the child have been considered a child in the womb, while in the case of the aborted child they were just a "blob of tissue"?


Edit: Well, this is interesting. The first four answers are pro-abort, don't answer the question, and get mostly negative hits. The fifth is pro-life, answers the question, and gets mostly positive hits.

My faith in America is renewed.

Update 2:

Zach: One thing people who know me will tell you I cannot stand is incoherent gobbledygook. People disagreed on whether or not black slaves were human for crying out loud.

Every time a group of people have been enslaved or massacred throughout history there has always been a need to downgrade their humanity. It was so with the slaves in the South. It was so with the Jews in Germany. Today it is so with the pre-born, both in America and much of the world. Your argument is simply the latest strain of an old story.

Update 3:

Tax the Rich: I agree it is the freedom of the mother (actually of both the parents). I fully agree it is the issue of whether or not the parents have the right to have their child's head severed. After all, that is what we are talking about here. The rights of parents, especially mothers, to have their children decapitated.

Nasty words? Well, what's the old saying...don't bother me with the facts?

Update 4:

Edit: they have to boost all the ratings of the first few replies!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    I will disregard the fact you have set up a straw-man as though any pro-choice advocate defines the second type of pain as 'good'. Nobody has argued that at all. In fact, assuming by the looks of development of the child in the second picture, it is beyond the second trimester, and partial-birth abortions have been banned in a majority of the country for quite some time, and with good reason. There is a certain point when a fetus possesses self-recognition; where it is conscious of the fact it is an entity of its own, and at this point, I believe it to be a human being. That picture is very old, and possibly not even of American origin, as the first one is definitely not.

    What neither pro-choice or pro-life sides seem to realize is that there will never be an answer to the difficult question you pose.

    This type of question, along with the arguments that follow, try to pose the issue of "when is a fetus considered to be a person?" But this is making a huge anthropological error.

    The reason that your question cannot be answered is because the definition of 'person' is a broad one, and the relevant characteristics of 'personhood' range from society to society. In some cultures, a child is not considered to be a 'person' until the age of two. According to some, it is when a sperm meets an egg and fertilizes it. And to others, it is not until the head crowns during birth. With so many definitions of person, how do we in our society, which represents a wide spectrum of multi-cultural people (the American melting pot), make the fine distinction of when a fetus becomes a person, and then apply this rule to everyone that lives within our borders? Many sects of Judaism believe that a fetus becomes a person when the head crowns during childbirth; who are you to tell them otherwise, that they may not believe in something that predates America itself?


    Are you serious?

    It is a grievous error of argument when you attempt to analogize two separate things (the murder of Jew/enslavement of blacks to abortion). If you had not dismissed what I wrote without trying to comprehend it, it is not an issue of whether murder is morally right in certain instances, it is an issue of whether it is actually murder. The entire debate of abortion is a debate of morality. A moral code that is authoritative in matters of right and wrong must be formed and followed. In America if we are to live together as a cohesive society it is entirely necessary to find a way to follow a diverse set of moral codes.

    The ultimate failing of the majority of moral codes is that they fail to state when personhood begins. Allow me to use the Bible as an example. The Bible says murder is wrong. We can accept this as true, most moral codes follow this tenet and so it is practical for everyone in America to agree that murder is wrong. But where does the Bible specify the qualifications of being a person? In what chapter and verse is it spoken that a life begins at conception?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Legal or illegal the abortion wars of the 1950's ended up with many women dying from backstreet butchers

    Anyway I believe in most cases abortion is murder but that's their choice. and they have to live with it. If they make it illegal again their would be far more women die at the hands of backstreet butcher's who haven't the knowledge they need. Republicans use this as a vote getter but they would never make abortion illegal they know what would happen


    Like it or not let the women carry the burden it's their choice. and if their is a God let him do the judging.

    Source(s): People who know best know lest.
  • lilly4
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Abortion is murder, no one will ever change my mind. What happen to the days when a mother would defend her child against every thing and any one. I can remember when a mom would fight like a Bear to defend her baby, and some believe that.. do not mess with the baby, cause you do not want want none of that Momma Bear, she will rip you apart because of that baby. Now, it is rip the baby apart in pieces because Mommy considers it a inconvenience in her life, so just kill it. Just shows Animals protect their young more than some humans, always have, always will.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will always support the individuals right to choose! If some child molesting father impregnates his twelve y/o daughter and she doesn't know until "picture b", should she still have the baby? That's not for me or you to's for her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why are you people so concerned what your neightbor does. It

    is none of your business nor is it hurting you in any way. If you

    are so interested in children, how many have you adopted?

  • ash
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No sense arguing with you.

    I don't favor abortion and I also do not favor passing laws againt it...

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you a dude? Because you seem like one from your name . That's a womens choice to make because men like you and I can't get preggers. Mind your own business and let women deal with this issue. If a women you get pregnant wants an abortion, it's her choice and not yours. Too Bad

  • 1 decade ago

    Because those who support abortion view the baby as an "inconvenience" at best, and should be killed by the mother.

    One could also ask why are people who cause the death of an unborn baby charged with murder, but if the mother does it, it's ok?

    Source(s): Personally know 2 women who had abortions because the baby was an "inconvenience".
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because you are missing the point. The choice to abort is up to the individual, it is an issue of freedom and choice for the mother.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your emotional blackmail wont work. i support womens rights. just because you hate women doesnt mean abortion will ever be made illegal

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