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Gradients homework help!?

I've almost done my maths homework, but the last question I'm stuck on!

It says...

A straight line has equation y=2(3-4x)

Find the gradient of the straight line

Please help! :)

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    when you expand the brackets:


    therefore you can see it takes the form of a straight line y=mx+c

    now you can draw it on a graph and find rise/run

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    In other words,


    Since the coordinates of the line will be always lower by 6-8x, the gradient would be -8.

    It helped for me when I drew these questions on a graph.

  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly y=2(3-4x) needs to be rewritten in the form y = x + a

    So y=2(3-4x)

    therefore y = (2*3) - (2*4*x)

    therefore y = 6 - 8x or alternatively

    y = -8x + 6

    The gradient is the multiplier on the x, in this case -8.

  • 1 decade ago

    you have to draw a triangle going off the straight line, then divide the height by the length to find the graident.

    Hope this has helped :) :)

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