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Taxi charges from Coimbatore to ooty ?

HI! I am travelling with mine and my friends family in the last week of May. We will be reaching Coimbatore in the morning at around 5.30 am by Kerala express. Is there a taxi stand for Ooty , from the station itself? What would be charges of a non-AC taxi? How much time will take to reachOoty ? How is the climate in the last week of May ? Please guide me with details.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    taxi will cost you a bomb, suggest you alight at mettupalayam station instead of coimbatore station, then take the ooty mountain train.. cheap like hell..

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Tata Indica Non A/c fare is 5.50 per kilom meter + driver bata 150 per day.

    From Banglaore to Ooty around 300 kms x 5.50 = Rs.1650 + Bata 150 = Total Rs.1800 ( Its one side travel)

    If driver drive the vehicle after 10pm, driver bata wl b double ie. Rs.

    300, If you start before 6pm also driver bata wl b double ie. Rs.300



    Contact : +91 - 9443604052 / 9585946129

  • 5 years ago

    as for as trains are concerned, it is better to gatecrash into one than to reserve blah blah, be adventurous, hop into the next train that comes by and enjoy the trip. haha

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