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Feedback on new Story Im writing?

WARNING: this is a vampire story in part so if you tired of that dont read on. And no I am no Twilight fan I hatted the books and movies.

Now first off Ive had this idea for a long time far before Underword came out by almost 5 years BUT after it came out I dropped the idea as it seemed to close story wise.... but recently have decided to start it anyhow..

Jason and Grace are High school sweethearts. Jason was a semi Nerd/band Geek. Grace Was the female lead in every play yet off the stage was never herself always playing one of her roles for people. Thinking her own life boring and dull she acted all the time which made her popular but very sad inside as not many knew the real her in any significant way. Jason had a crush on her but mainly on the charater she played in the world.. He overhears her crying one day then stumbles in trying to help... Little by little they become friends as he learns about the real her... They both eventually fall in love her with a guy who see the real her and supports her and him in the girl behind the mask which is so much deeper and complex than he had imagined he cant help but be fasinated and fall for her... Over spring break they decide instead of going to the beach or other places with lots of kids to go off by themselves on a small camping trip to be away from people so they could both be themselves without pressure... Jason has beeen trying to tell her His hidden secret for some time.. and he thinks on this trip hes going to do it tell her and show her... They go camping on his uncles land which is heavily forested but safe... As they camp in the middle of the night a group of men that ar e nor men attack them they are vampires... Jason tries to fitght thm off but to no avail ... in the middle of the fight Jason is saved by His pack his family the werewolves though outnumbers are enough to run off the group of vampires but as they leave they take Grace... He doesnt have the chance to tell her he and his family are were wolves.... NOTE(they are not the change at full moon kind they are the ancient protectors of nature and Man from demons and the supernatural... IE mans best friend is the dog the werewolves in my story harken back to a miricle in which god combines wolfdogs and humans so they could forever be together and protect one another) to give the rest a quick overview.... Grace is captured by bad vampires after a sort of confrence with the WW chieften and the vamps about her those vamps are tracked down by the vampire leaders to sustain the truce between the vamps and WWs... but it is to late she has been turned.... IE they ar e reunited each really just learning about there powers and begin a forbinned affair.. which starts a minor war..

there are several sub plots in the background people being used... troops being amassed.... there is even a rgoup of crazed humans that hunt monsters that are trying to SAVE the pair... untill they find they have been changed then try to kill them to help them...

Well thats sort of the gist of it in short form.


No offence taken it is a pat plot even the subplots are not overly inventive which is what when the movie Underworld came out I put it on the back burner.... At the same time I kinda wanna write it and though it is simalar to other things and not very inventive One could say what sold ONCE might sell again... I know thats a Cruddy way of looking at it but hey...

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like how they are wolves and stuff but isn't it a but like Twilight? No offense, though, it's a great story idea! It's not completely like Twilight though. It doesn't seem to have the main character relying on the other person to save her all the time. I'd love to read a story like this though! It's a kind that i haven't seen a long time! ^^

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like it a lot, but I don't really like vampires and love, change it to phantoms, or invent something like semi-humans who feast on blood? Vampires and love just don't go together, even if it's not directly the vampire who's in love. I hate twilight as well. And a bit of advice, Jason and Grace are really normal, every-day names. Try wierder ones maybe Romulus? Drust? Ariela? It could be really great if vampires weren't completely vampires.

    P.S: no offense but vampire-werewolf is a bit too twilight. true, yeah, but too twilight. Try vampire-demon or demon-werewold or phantom-demon or vampire-phantom or phantom-demon or evil soul from hell-demon *I'm working on that and it's really fun* but good luck anyway! You can make it sound really original if you want to- remember that.

    P.P.S: I haven't read underworld so I can't tell if it's related.

    P.P.P.S: GOOD LUCK!!!!:d

    Source(s): Read the Cirque Du Freak series- it's amazing, and about vampires. If you like it and if you like demons read The Demonata- it's even more amazing. Both series by Darren Shan.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hm. Ok, I have some suggestions :) Firstly, if you're looking for feedback on thought formation and 'storytelling' (by storytelling I think you mean plot development and pacing?) I think you should choose a different way to ask for feedback. An excerpt like the one you've presented demonstrates neither of those things because it spans only a very short time within the story. It pretty much only demonstrates the things you specifically ask us to ignore - character development, grammar, prose, context. Maybe you could post a plot outline next time. By nature, romance is extremely character-driven, and this story seems no exception. By telling us that your characters have yet to be developed, we're kind of left thinking, "Ok ... then what are we looking at here?" It seems that none of the questions the woman asks are answered. That's fine, literature is big on unanswered questions. But there must be a reason, and you must use hints to make readers aware of this reason, of your line of thought. I sense that the reason here either appears in part of the story you didn't post, or that you're trying to paint your male lead as mysterious. If the latter, we need to see some of the reasoning process (your thought formation) within him that leads to those unanswered questions, or he just seems like a flat, uninteresting character. Your female lead is also in danger of reading 'flat' because all her dialogue is generic. You could pretty much copy and paste every sentence she utters into the mouths of various distraught lovers I've seen in other movies or books. Maybe she could reference past scenes in the story that brought her to this point, and make us remember a time in her existence within the story when we felt differently about her. (In my opinion, that's the key to a beautifully developed character - the ability to control and add nuance to the way the reader feels about them in a way that feels natural) For example,"What do I have to do to make you look at me again, the way you used to ..." With the addition of just few words, this sentence could be a great opportunity to carry the plot forward. ... to make you look at me again, the way you used to, the way you looked at me that night on the Ferris Wheel ... the way you looked at me when I woke up from my coma and your face was the only thing in the world that was left in my memory ..." etc. I hope you don't feel too criticized, I just wish you'd give us more to work with :) ps- you might find more helpful feedback on Booksie than yahoo answers.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, it sounds like a bunch of cliches put together. Sorry, but that's what I think. Anyway, I guess you could make it original with the subplots you add. Since this is the overview of the whole story, I think it sounds a bit predictable. (Not to be mean or anything. Just my opinion, of course.) At least, in the beginning, it sounds very unoriginal. The ending doesn't so much. And I've never read Underworld before, so I can't tell you whether I think it's similar to that story or not.

    Good luck, though!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't mean to offend you but It's VERY twilight. Why dont you change the werewolves to something else, maybe a made up creature of the night. And set the whole thing somewhere totally unexpected like deep in the city. They could be staying round the guy's flat and something crashes through the window.

    Source(s): It's a great idea but it just felt like something else I have read.....
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