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Why are the person's lips not "synced" with the audio on a DTV converter?

When the male news anchor's lips stop moving but there's a word or two that you still hear.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm gonna keep it as simple as I can,it really depends upon your location in the world, if you are receiving a locally broadcast station which may rely upon distribution of signals from only ground based microwave links,one explanation, satellite distribution also = Time delays, reflection/refraction of signal time distortion,or possibly it could just be you don't have an up to the snuff method of Digital Conversion. many variables here.

    Source(s): Not pleaseant however straight up info.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If each and every of the tvs are hooked as much as the cable you're ok, yet once you utilize an antennae for any of them that's plausible that a DTV converter is needed. It truly relies upon on the age advert kind of the television whether you like a converter for any television that makes use of an antennae.

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