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Lv 5
Taaner asked in TravelFranceOther - France · 1 decade ago

What does the A mean on a lot of French cars?

Driving through France last WE I noticed a lot of cars with a sticker of the letter A (red on white background) on it. I wonder what it means?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It means the driver has recently obtained his or her driving licence and whilst allowed to drive is still relatively inexperienced and not allowed to exceed certain speeds. This tells other drivers that they can overtake the vehicle.

    " A" stands for "apprentissage" (probationer still gaining experience).

    Source(s): French
  • 1 decade ago

    The "A" in France means that the person in the car has been driving for less than 3 years.

    Source(s): Just taken my "A" down....yehhhh!
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