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Julie H asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Franken won't be able to keep his mouth shut and will embarrass the Democrats. Anyone else agree?

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Republican Norm Coleman conceded to Democrat Al Franken in Minnesota's contested Senate race on Tuesday, hours after a unanimous state Supreme Court ruled the former "Saturday Night Live" comedian should be certified the winner.

Coleman announced his decision at a news conference in St. Paul, bringing an end to a nearly eight-month recount and court fight over an election decided by only a few hundred votes.

"The Supreme Court has made its decision and I will abide by the results," Coleman told reporters outside his St. Paul home.

Coleman, appearing relaxed and upbeat, said he had congratulated Franken, was at peace with the decision and had no regrets about the fight, which started almost immediately after the Nov. 4 election.

"Sure I wanted to win," said Coleman, who called the ruling a surprise. "I thought we had a better case. But the court has spoken."

He declined to talk about his future plans, brushing aside a question about whether he would run for governor in 2010.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here is a classic case of the better man coming in second! Coleman, by his own tenacity, saved the senate the curse of a loud mouthed and obnoxious newcomer to the Senate, for a good portion of the term.

    People on both sides of the aisle should be grateful to Coleman for sparing them the obnoxious behavior of a not so funny stand up comic.

    Democracy has been served, and the Supreme Court has made the right decision, even though I personally become nauseated thinking of Franken as a US Senator. I do grow comfort in knowing that Franken is just a liberal, and not very bright. The retirement of a Senator will keep him in his lean years, when comedy has failed him.

  • 5 years ago

    Well first of all she didn't sign an agreement with the adoption place,so she can give the place a bad name by doing what she's doing on public television.She said she forked out alot of money on the dog,if she really wants she can sue just to be an a**hole.I think the adoption place contradicted themselves when she wasn't asked to sign an agreement,another thing they didn't even bother to visit her home(procedure).Yet they check up on the dog,find out the dog isn't with her so they proceed to take the dog back.They weren't professional with the adoption in the first place,why bother with procedure?I think she knows what she's doing.

  • 1 decade ago

    If Franken dropped trow in the middle of the Senate floor and began masturbating while wearing a Chewbacca mask it still wouldn't be as embarrassing to the democrats as one sound-bite from Bush was for the republicans.

    God, you people are sore losers!

  • 1 decade ago

    That guy annoyed the crap out of me when he was a comedian. He wasn't even very funny when SNL wasn't writing lines for him. All his stuff was so political it didn't make people laugh. He would just tell jokes that involved Bush or republicans to get a reaction.

    He reminds me of the Seinfeld where that crappy comedien made a one-woman show bashing Jerry. Not funny, not talented. But it got a reaction.

    I expect he'll be the same type of senator.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Embarrass the democrats? With drunken Ted Kennedy senator for 40 + years, And another drunken Barney Frank, how can he embarrass them any more than those 2 bozo's.And the idiots keep re-electing them over and over again, They have no shame!

  • 1 decade ago

    With all the other democrats embarrassing themselves almost daily I don't think anyone will notice when a real professional shows up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't really think you can embarrass the average Democrat so I guess I don't agree. He would embarrass a sign post though.

  • 1 decade ago


    considering you repubs actively bankrupted the country and bullied others into doing the same, and betrayed a CIA agent in the process, you should all shut up about most anything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Joe Biden and Al Frankin ought to go on tour!

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