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Why are the Governments and medias talking about swine flu if the Common flu kills 680 times more people?

In Italy for a COMMON flu 9.000 persons die every year. in USA more than 35.000!In all the world more than 400.000 persons die for a common Flu every means more than 1095 persons per day!!! In all the world till now 170 persons died for the Swine Flu... 1.6 person per day Vs 1095 person per day for a common Flu!!!

In Italy 4 persons were Sick and then they got well after only 2 days (earlier than with a common flu!)!!!...Why are the Medias creating all this Panic? Who is making money with this Panic? 500.000 persons die every year because of the Tobacco .... so... if you think don't Travel because of the Swine Flu you shouldn't travel also because the common flu, tobacco and thousands or other things much more dangerous than the Swine Flu!... so... WHY ???


Swine Flu is not just started (and it didn't start in Mexico. It's a Mix of Thai flu(20%) + American Flu (80%)...and anyway "Common" Flu changes every year cause Viruses change so...Swine flu is really weak.The only people who died were very weak , old or poor people that should be died with any type of flu.

Update 2:

Swine Flu is not just started (and it didn't start in Mexico. It's a Mix of Thai flu(20%) + American Flu (80%)...and anyway "Common" Flu changes every year cause Viruses change so...Swine flu is really weak.The only people who died were very weak , old or poor people that should be died with any type of flu. There are thousands desease we don't know...the problem is that before making the Panic, medias should think about. Do you Remember the Mad Cow?(It whould be the desease of the century...NOTHING HAPPENED)...and the BIRD FLU?...The same....NOTHING HAPPENED. That's the point...I think it's just a business for Medias and Phama companies. Most of the people are stupid's very easy to create Panic...this panic makes big profit for them. Think about how many people lost their job in Mexico because of this manipulation of the informations...I think that's much worse than the flu its self.

Update 3:

BJC: We are talking about FACT...You cannot create Pani just because of something that could happen. 1/5 of the total Cancer Death is because the Tobacco but people continue to smoke and they have no Panic...That sounds strange cause people have Panic because a flu that killed only 200 people in 4 months and they have no panic of Tobacco that kills 1000 times more!...The big Pharma companies are very happy bicause this panic...and media too. These are some tests made to check the human reaction to the news...During the Bird flu I went to Thailand and I walked with the chickens...and...of course nothing happen to me and to the thousands thai people next to me...but the Pharma companies also in that case made a lot of money.

7 Answers

  • BJC
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have no idea what you are talking about. You are using terms that are innacurate and ones that I have never heard of. I have a degree in microbiology and immunology with a pretty extensive background in influenza. You should learn a bit more about influenza A and its history as well as exactly how a pandemic works. the strain we are dealing with now will most likely be different and could be very strong (pandemics come in waves, usually 2-3 over many years). We have not seen the end of this. In past outbreaks, the first wave was relatively mild, while the next few were deadly.....between 50-100 million people died as a result of the 1918 pandemic worldwide.......that is why health authorities are being cautious and are monitoring the situation. If they didn't come forward until it hit (to avoid public panic) they would be charged with negligence by the public and criticized heavily.

    and the bird flu is the swine flu.....they are both influenza A (it can come to humans directly from waterfowl, birds, or pigs or via a few steps (eg waterfowl/bird to pig to human). But they are the same.

    And if you think nothing happened with v-BSE (mad cow disease in humans) you are wrong. What happens is the media does a piss-poor job of educating the public, and stops reporting on issues when they feel like it. Just because you don't read about something doesn't mean it isn't a problem.

    Source(s): HBSc. Microbiology and Immunology
  • 1 decade ago

    Great question. Regular flu kills about 36,000 people each year in the US, but I never hear a panic about it. I think one reason people are over reacting to the swine flu is that it is a strain of flu that many people have not heard of before, and sometimes people get scared of things they are not familiar with.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think of there's an excellent hazard that it particularly is genuine. I wasn't too disturbing approximately it the former day, yet i'm form of freaked out approximately it right this moment. somebody on YA emailed me to assert they intercepted a decision to a radio station from a panicked, unidentified caller warning that the U. S. militia have been moving truck dissimilar this virus. This flu rigidity is unquestionably engineered. no question approximately that! those ruling elites pulled off 9/11 and not utilising a hitch, so i do no longer positioned something previous them anymore. they have an EVIL schedule.

  • lolit
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    both disease caused by virus only there was exaggerations on swine flu , just because it is originated from a swine or pig , the common flu it is very popular disease since the world began as they say , so the notion is that there is no special about. not knowing the true implications of the to causative organisms.

  • We've never seen this type of influenza before, however. We don't know how it will mutate. For all we know it could fade away....or it could kill us all in a couple months. We don't know.

    And that's why everyone's worried. It's perfectly logical to get a little anxious over this.

    Source(s): General knowledge, watching the news, researching stuff.
  • Ross
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Swine Flu has just started, it will get a lot worse as we have no vaccine or immune system.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because they're stupid.... duh. :)

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