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Lv 6
AgProv asked in TravelUnited StatesMiami · 1 decade ago

What do you think about Scouse TV personality Paul O'Grady arrested at Miami airport by over-zealous Yanks?

British tV and radio presenter and comedian Paul O'Grady has revealed that he was held by officials at a US airport because they thought he was a communist.

The Liverpool-born TV presenter said he was taken aside for questioning at Miami airport by staff who made the assumption because of his 'funny' accent. (actually exactly the same sort of Scouse accent all four Beatles speak with).

He was then held for two hours while an officer accused him of being an 'illegal alien' from Cuba.

He told listeners of his Radio 2 show: "How could I be accused of being an illegal Cuban alien? Do I look Cuban? Do I sound Cuban?"

He added: "I've been to hell, folks - it's called Miami airport."

The Channel 4 star was later released after the customs officials studied his passport and found no links with Cuba.

O'Grady went on to describe his experience on his nationally broadcast radio show, advising listeners "Never go to Miami." The story was then taken up by British national newspapers.

So what would Americans have to say about this? Any other people on Earth would realise that somebody wasn't entirely welcoming to a visitor to one of their biggest tourist atttractions, note that some airport jobsworth had made the biggest mistake of his life by badly treating somebody capable of bringing down an awfully large amount of bad publicity capable of somewhat denting that lucrative tourist trade, and might be inclined to issue an apology...

I mean, somebody who can inform an entire country "never go to Miami and this is why" via a national radio station, and have the story taken up by national newspapers, is not somebody you mistreat at the entry airport.

But then, security jobsworths exist at airports the world only - little people, taking a delight in misusing very real power knowing that if the person on the receiving end complains, there's nothing they can do about it and the situation can be made worse for them very, very, quickly. America seems to have the most virulent kind, though...

A bloody big own goal for Florida's lucrative tourist trade?


No, I might have Liverpool family but I'm not related to Paul O'G.

Darkness... oh dear dear... total sense of humour failure, there. Have you ever thought about trying out as an airport security guard, as with a mindset like that you would be PERFECT.

Funny, Britain was fighting a war against terrorism for thirty odd years before 9/11 Not denying the seriousness of it for you, but Irish terrorism took three or four times as many lives over a far longer period - I don't recall we ever got so nervous and paranoid about it and we managed to live normal lives. Things have just got moronic since 9/11, and airport security guard offers a haven to little Hitlers on not much more than minimum wage, looking for an excuse to make peoples' lives difficult without any comeback. Most are OK people, btw: but just enough are miserable thick c*nts. Like the moron in Miami.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Are you Paul O, Grady? if so I think you should be arrested for being the most irritating person on television

  • 1 decade ago

    why use yahoo answers as your soap box? everyone hates everyone and yes America is paranoid as they should be. I think you are just angry and are stating something so obvious is seems juvenile. get a life dude, yes some people abuse their power and others have to deal with arrogant idiots saying "do you know who I am, what i can do to you"? I say if you are in for questioning shut up answer the questions and go your merry way. I have been stopped by police looking for someone else and I have not come crying to yahoo answers. public servants make mistakes, some are jerks and some are stressed and underpaid so lets give them a break and not be big babies that cant stand a little questioning. people that rank like this make this world a worse place to live in. What ever happend to real men, cowboy types that did not cry about every little thing? now everyone is a personality of sorts or so they think.

  • jonal
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Haha, odd that...Bob Dylan was held by British police yesterday till they found out the 'scruff' they arrested wasn't what they thought.....whooops, bad day.

    See the film 'Terminal' starring Tom Hanks for a real good look at American airport security attitudes, and a few visual jokes too, like the people slipping on the wet floor with loads of 'Wet Floor' signs around, and the cleaner having a good smile..."Only fun I get" he says "They don't see the signs", camera panning to a floor-full of bright yellow signs...the whole film brings out a lot of good stuff about life for airport workers. I was one myself for ten years.

    That film has got a lot of truths in it.

    America is paranoid. Paul O'Grady isn't.

    Huge leap of faith through the culture shock zone required.

    Ergo, made a right mess of it.


    Edit:..No further proof required. ..........V...lmao

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