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How do you make Arroz con Gandules?

I am curious to see how people are making it. I am sure everyone has their own way.

I posted this in the food and recipe section and I got one good response. I think maybe there are more Puerto Ricans over here.


Saecula Saeculorum I totally agree with you about Barco! Your recipe is very similar to mine except I never put cumin or bayleaf in before. I will have to try it. Gracias.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Aparently barco is some kind of ignoramous comedian.

    There are various ways. This this is the way I prepare it.

    2 1/2 cups long grain white rice

    5 cups water

    3 tablespoons olive oil

    4 tablespoons sofrito (this is hard to find in the USA so make your own by dicing onion, bell pepper (any kind), garlic, cilantro and tomato)

    1/4 cup Salted pork

    1/4 cup chopped ham or Spanish chorizo (not Mexican) or Portuguese chorizo or linguisa.

    2 tablespoons spanish olives

    1 can green or dry pigeon peas (Gandules), drained (if you use the dry ones, you need to follow the instructions in the package to soften them before staring to cook them, they are better tasting than the can ones)

    1 envelope sazon with annato (a Mexican meat market carries them)

    1/2 teaspoon ground oregano

    1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

    2 bay leaves

    1/2 teaspoon tomato paste (tomato sauce is good too, but you'll need about half a cup)

    salt and black pepper to taste

    Start by heating the oil in a pot at high heat, and when the oil is nice and hot, add the salted portk. When the pork is cooked but not crisp, add the ham/sausage. Once that has browned, add the Sofrito. This must stir fry all together for about 1 minute.

    After that has been done add the water, then the peas, the olives, the tomato paste, and all the spices, including the envelope of sazon.

    At that point, add salt and pepper to taste. Bring this up to a boil then stir in rice.

    Once it has began to boil again, lower heat to between low and medium and stir 1 more time, then cover.

    Let this cook for about 25 - 40 minutes on a low heat setting, stirring occasionally (every 10 minutes) until the rice is tender. Serve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Um... don't you know that "GANDULES" means TRAMPS, or LOAFERS or USELESS PEOPLE.. so Arroz con Gandules would be RICE AND TRAMP... not too appetizing a dish if you ask me.

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