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How much pressure in a mammogram?


how many pounds per square inch, 38 DDD

4 Answers

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It used to be like your boobs were trod on by a elephant & it stood still only Min's but seemed like it's like a baby elephant Min's that seem like Min's. are quite right smaller ones do hurt more,I had a lumpectomy(hence smaller breast ) & it does hurt more than the other one.I had my cancer 91/2 yrs ago & I had 8 mammograms in the old type & there was certainly more pressure & you had to stay in it longer in that one, compared to 2 in the modern one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I got my first mammogram in March of this year. I am 36 years old. The reason is when I went to get my annual pap (they do a breast exam too) they found a lump the size of a pea.

    The nurse told me she found the lump and she immediately called a doctor to schedule me for a mammogram...3 weeks later! She also scheduled me to have a consultation with this dr. one week after this date to talk about the results of this test.

    I was scared to death. I was convinced that I had breast cancer for 3 whole weeks.

    Now, getting back to your question. I had just gotten off my period so my breasts were not sore. The mammogram didn't hurt at all. My breast size is 36 DD!

    After they did the mammogram, they did an ultrasound to go over the side of my breast that the nurse said she felt a lump.

    The next day, I contacted my doctor (where my results were sent) and she told me that all she saw was normal breast tissue! I was so glad. I have 2 children and I was so depressed for 3 weeks thinking I would have to leave them.

    Good luck with yours!

  • lo_mcg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A lot.. unlike Lazmum, I haven't noticed any recent decrease in pressure as the breast is squashed flat.

    It is usually more uncomfortable for women with smaller breasts.

    One advantage of having had breast cancer - there has to be something! - is they only have to squish one breast when I have my mammograms.

  • 7 years ago

    29 LBS

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