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How is it possible to....?

...ignore it when someone's making fun of you? I'm gay and I get made fun of a lot. I don't consider myself to be too girly and whatnot but I mean the teasing is still there. I want some advice. How do I make it stop? CAN I make it stop? How can I ignore it?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, I got teased every single day in HS for 4 years. You learn to take it, unless you wanna fight someone. Depending on where you live and what adults are like, you may be able to get the principal or dean of students to do something. When I was going to school, complaining to administration only made them tease you more.

    Good luck. It won't last forever.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh man, this has taken my entire life to figure out...and I still get hurt sometimes.

    #1, when someone is making fun of you, it's THEIR problem, not yours. My sister is an absolute b****, and I finally just started telling her, "You can go ahead and argue, but you're going to have to do it by yourself", and hang up or leave. I don't really care what she says anymore...she's never going to accept me, so I gave up trying to convince her to.

    #2, it's almost impossible to get your mind to follow along with your body here. Take action, and deal with the feelings later. When someone is making fun of you, hold your head high, and walk away, even if you're crying inside. Do PHYSICALLY what you wish you could do MENTALLY. Don't worry about finding the courage or strength, just DO IT!

    #3, make sure you have some good friends to vent to. Let all that pent up feelings go when you talk to them. Whatever you do, DO NOT let out those emotions with the bullies. Don't give them the satisfaction. One thing I've learned is that they don't give a crap how you feel, and most likely will enjoy knowing they did some damage. Don't give them the benefit of knowing they got to you. Make them think you're above it all, and that their words are as insignificant as dandruff. Brush it off.

    #4, be gentle with yourself. You don't deserve this harassment, and you shouldn't be responsible for stopping it. Just take care of YOU, and let them deal with their own consequences, all by themselves. Once you remove yourself from the situation (physically or mentally), they won't have a target anymore. If they want to bash on you when you're not there, whatever...they can just sit and stew in their hatred and see where it takes them in life (hint: they're going to be pretty miserable). Don't allow yourself to be part of their game. You're better than that.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For me this helped-

    1) Realizing EVERYONE gets picked on. You're not alone. It just feels that way.

    2) Tease back. It sounds bad, but it does help. The more you outwardly act like the teasing doesn't effect you, the more you'll start to psychologically believe it.

    Good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey dude, well Im not gay myself, but Ive been made fun of for other things. When people make fun of me Im smiling on the other side of my face simply because I have a happy life, I love life and enjoy it to its fullest, they clearly dont if their focus is to belittle and offend people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would really like to know the answer to this myself. I'm having the same problem. I normally walk around listening to my ipod and smiling. (Then you can't hear the people who try to make fun of you)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Teasing because of your sexual orientation is HARASSMENT. The perpetrators should be reported to the principal of your school, and if it doesn't stop or gets worse or turns physical, call the police.

  • 1 decade ago

    You tell them to f*ck off and move on. After awhile you will become desensitized to the bullying and you won't even notice, you'll just laugh at it and say "i've heard that before" and move on. They aren't worth your time or effort so just ignore them. The more you try to fight at them with harsh words, the more they'll bother you. It pisses them off more when you don't react to it and show them that you aren't hurt by it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try turning it around on them. When someone hollers, "F*G!" Retort with a polite curtsy and, "So glad you noticed. Still picking me up at seven saturday night?"

    Most people your age who shout homophobic epithets are only doing so to impress their friends. Make it backfire on them.

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