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Please solve (10pts)?

A ball is thrown vertically upward from the top of a building 84 feet tall with an initial velocity of 70 feet per second. The distance S (in feet) of the ball from the ground after T seconds is

S = 96 + 80T - 16t^2

After how many seconds will the ball touch the ground?

Note: the problem is a quadratic equation...

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    S = 96 + 80T - 16t^2=0

    (-80 +/- √(80^2 -(4)(-16)(96)))/2(-16)=

    (-80 +/- √(6400 + 6144))/-32=

    (-80 +/- √12544)/-32=

    (-80 +/- 112)/-32=

    t = 6 or -1

    but you can't have negative time so t = 6

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer to 0 = 96 + 80T - 16t^2

    Is t = 6, though the equation you gave doesn't seem to match the problem description.

    The reason I give for this is at t = 0, the ball should be at the top of the building, S = 84 ft, not S = 96 ft as the equation gives (unless the person who threw it is close to 12 ft tall). You might want to double check your info.

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