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Does Obama have Celiac Disease.?

He is very skinny and I think he may have it.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it actually would be believable because I've read about what can happen so eh, believable.

  • 1 decade ago

    most people with celiac are actually overweight. It's a myth that has been perpetuated in the medical community. I'm a nurse and it said in all my nursing texts that the symptoms of celiac disease are weight loss and diarrhea (and failed to mention that many people only have other symptoms like depression, seizures, schizophrenia, skin problems, etc.). When I was diagnosed myself several years later I found out that only a small percentage of people with celiac have digestive symptoms at all and a minority of patients have weight loss. Unfortunately the ones with weight gain rarely get diagnosed because of lack of knowledge of the disease by physicians. I actually spoke to a physician the other day who has been practicing for 20 years (we were eating together socially and he noticed that I ordered a gluten free meal). He said "that must be pretty rare because in the 20 years that I've practiced I've never once had a patient with it." Um, since about 1% of the population has celiac, it would be very unlikely that he truly didn't have one. Sadly, the guy acted like he had never heard of it. So to answer your's possible, but it's much more likely that a president like Taft had celiac than Obama.

    Source(s): RN, celiac
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who cares !!

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