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eagle asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

Where can I buy a test to test marijuana on clothing ?

A teen may be doing it and want to know if there is a test to test marijuana on clothing before I give them a drug test.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer
  • 1 decade ago

    How do I tell if someone is lying to me just by looking at them?

    There is no such thing, and no such test. Its a cute question though.

    The only test for THC that can't be easily masked with products purchased in a headshop or online (as in, I smoked pot a few days before taking a drug test for a major US corporation and passed because these products are cheap and work well) is the hair sample test. That's what the military does. I think it costs thousands of dollars thought.

    If your kids wants to consume cannabis, they will find a way to do it without getting caught. Totalitarianism is an ineffective parenting strategy. You'd be much better off taking a more pragmatic approach by trying to foster an open, honest relationship with your teen and tell them that while you don't necessarily approve, you know they may be using drugs and alcohol (and having sex for that matter) and that you just want to make sure they are doing these things responsibly and minimizing the dangers as much as possible.

    You'll probably have a much better relationship and you're child will probably be safer if you level with them and say something like, "look, we know you're gonna smoke pot. We need to be made to feel that you're doing it responsibly though so we don't have to go snooping through your sock drawers. No doing it on weeknights. No driving while under the influence. No doing anything that will get you arrested. Adhere to the Good Neighbor policy, etc"

    When I was a teen (way back then) my parents had a policy that they would pick me up anywhere any time no questions asked if I called them saying I was drunk and couldn't drive. Not that they condoned my underage drinking, but they would rather look the other way, that scare me into driving myself home drunk. I never took them up on it even when I should have, and I still engaged in plenty of teenage wreckless behavior, but I had a much better relationship with my parents having that trust level where I knew that they valued my safety and well being far more than my strict obedience. Who knows how much worse I would have acted had I perceived them as tyrants.

    And in general, of all the intoxicants out there, cannabis is hands down the least harmful of all. Save the zero tolerance policy for meth. There are plenty of smart, successful, hard working, highly paid, pot heads. I'm one of them. Stop thinking of cannabis in terms of Reefer Madness and more like wine. Wine is not a problem. People who use it irresponsibly are a problem. Don't blame the wine, hold irresponsible people accountable for their actions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure you can purchase a test of this kind in a store. That sounds more like something that would have to be performed in a laboratory of some type. I believe the test kits for drugs that you can purchase in a store deal with blood samples. Actually, you should be able to smell marijuana on someones clothing that has been in close proximity to marijuana use, such as in a vehicle. It's a very distinctive smell that you don't smell every day. Kind of like a hemp rope burning. Good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Can't be done. You'll have to deal with your teen by talking to them instead of jumping to testing.

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