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Lv 4
Richie asked in SportsGolf · 1 decade ago

How do you compensate for wind in simulation golf?

I really would like to know how to compensate for the wind in my 2008 Tiger Woods Golf Game. How far do I make the arrow go to compensate righ or left wind direction.

2 Answers

  • googie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not having used a simulator, wind compensation is a matter of experience . On the golf course any breeze up to 10 mph should be forgotten for it usually has little effect on the golf shot.. Play your normal shot as if there was no wind. A strong cross wind of 15 to 20 mph favoring a slice play 20 degrees into the direction of the wind. Anything over 25mph , get off the course because the experience will not be a favorable one.

    Source(s): Am not a wind player and detest being out there on the course in windy conditions.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Golf simulator systems are used to reduce the amount of real estate needed to enjoy the golfing experience. A standard golf course includes relatively long fairways which are used for driving and iron-play. A standard golf course also includes relatively smaller putting greens and green-approach areas which are used for pitching and putting.

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