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crazy horse people look here?

for people that ride horses that are in school do you get picked on sometimes because you aren't like everyone else..... and have you ever been told by people that all you really care about is your horses.... cant you tell me some of your stories and stuff i would like to know... also what is the crazyest thing you have ever done on your horse

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I get picked on a lot about my horses. Everyone tells my Thats all I talk about and care about! I have been told that horses are stupid and things like that but one day in school i was having an off day and a girl started poking fun at me becuase i am a hick and love horses. She called me names and made fun of my horse so i walked up to her and Puched her in the face and told her NO ONE makes fun of my horses.. (I got kicked out for 3 days lol) The craziest thing i every done on my horse was syanding in the saddle and shooting basketball.. Took me forever to get the horse to stop running away from the ball though! lol

  • Emma=)
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hmm, I don't really get bugged about my horses so much. I get nagged by my friends about being out at the barn on the weekends and during the summer so much, but that's about it! Some people at school say stuff like, "Oh I bet you were riding your horses this weekend...go figure!" But, they mean it playfully and as a joke. No one's ever really been mean about it! I remember being made fun of a little bit when I was in elementary school (although I can't remember anything that anyone ever said or did), but now, people just have accepted that that's my hobby and its become a part of my life. Really, if anyone's been nagging you or has been being mean about it, just, don't take it too personally. That just means that they've never really experienced what it's like when you really connect with a horse!

    I do get made fun of because I'm considered country hick and that's not cool where I'm from. But hey! I've got friends that enjoy the same things that I do and I have other redneckish friends! That's all that matters to me!

    Hmm...the craziest thing I've done on my horse? Oh there's a lot! One that I will always remember (definitley not the craziest thing I've ever done on horses, but it's the best I got right now!) was entering my horse in a rope race. My friend and I entered to be together. Let's just say putting two pissy mares together was not the best idea that we've ever had! Another one, my friend took her gaming horse in an ENGLISH pleasure class (her horse had never been ridden under english before) and than she made me take my western pleasure horse into a barrel and pole bending class! Good times!

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't get my first horse until I was well up in age so I didn't have to worry about what kids in school thought. What I do know is horses opened up a whole new world to me and a whole new group of friends that enjoyed the same things I did and those friendships are priceless. And, they don't care that all you talk about is your horse, because that's what they want to talk about, too. ;o)

    One of the funniest things I've ever done with my horse was enter a Halloween Costume contest. I was dressed like a dentist and put my horse in a pink tutu, with wings and a tiara. He was the Tooth Fairy! We used 18 yards of pink netting to make the tutu and he was the cutest thing! We won the contest and everyone still talks about the "Horse in the Tutu".

    Have fun with your horses. They will teach you many life lessons - patience, understanding, benefits of hard work, dedication, commitment, love...................

    The kids at school are right - you aren't like everybody else - you're a "Horse person" and you're wonderful - just ask your horse next time he sees you!

  • 1 decade ago

    crazy horse people...or horse crazy people? lol :P

    i guess i get teased some, but i think a lot of it is a) not understanding what goes into horses or b) jealousy. every little girl wants a horse, you know?

    i get a LOT of "you're always talking about your horse" or "all you care about is your horse" and that kind of stuff. but honestly, he's most important to me. people don't understand a horse isn't a dog, and is instead a very large child. i have some "friends" that always neigh when i start talking about my horse. they're the ones that end up looking like psychos though lol, so i guess i couldn't care less.

    i live in a pretty non-horse community, even though there are quite a few horse communities close by. so i am really different from most people at my school, and that automatically makes me weird apparently.

    i've lost most of my friends since i got my horse, but ah well. i don't care. i don't have time for them, i'd rather be spending time with my horse anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes i used to get teased to no end about riding horses by all the guys when i 1st strted high school. Lol but when all the girls started saying how much they wanted to ride with me, that changed their whole tune and i ended up being one of the popular kidds. There are still sum ignorant a$$holes who still try to crack smart a$$ jokes but i don't entertain ignorance and i tell them well i must be doing something rite becus ur life revolves around watchin me! Haha! That shuts em up real quick. The craziest thing i've ever done on my horse is kiss in the rain. Haha! What a thrill that was. Hope this helps!!

    Source(s): Raising & riding racking/twh for 13 yrs. Owner of 3.
  • 1 decade ago

    I've just began horse riding again. I'm all of th above, but with dogs. My dog is honestly, my best friend. I lover her. Now I ride horses and no one really cares.

    I suffer social anxieties on a huge scale to the point it really affects my everyday life but I have huge confidence in horses and dogs, and the people associated.

    I was bullied, I was never as good, someone told me I thought more of Abbie than myself, and nothing as of yet, although an idiot leading me took my horse into some sort of extreme trot whipping his rear causing him to rear. She held my reins so I only had the saddle to keep me on, and I lost a stirrup.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never really gotten picked on it for, in fact, some people are like "oh cool!" and think it's neat that I'm in to horses. I guess I just got lucky though... sounds like a lot of people have trouble getting picked on. Just hold your head up and don't let people change you.

    The craziest thing I have ever done... that's a tough one... I'd say probably when I was dared to ride cross legged (indian style). I did it easily in the walk, so they dared me to trot. I did fine in the trot, so they dared me to canter. The canter was a little wobbly, but it wasn't too bad. They dared me three dollars each, so I made 12 bucks LOL.

  • 1 decade ago

    I never get picked on...

    I have always been the girl out there with the guys that works just as hard as they do... Allot of the boys I went to school with, I worked with. I can haul hay and buid fence with the best of them.

    I have been known to get a boy down here and there that pissed me off and rub their face in the mud...

    But other then people knew I'd woop their *** if they picked on me, no on ever did. Now that I'm not in high school I only hang out with people that ride, so no worries

  • 1 decade ago

    no, I don't get picked on.

    People know how I am with my horse, they know that I'm not obsesesed or anything, but they know that she means a lot to me, and has helped me through alot.

    In fact, some one was trying to be a hardcore little b****, and hit my horse on the rumb with a newspaper.

    Boy I tell you what, that kid never showed his face near my horse ever again.

    Hmm, the craziest thing I've done on her.

    I couldn't tell you :) haha

    Too many memories.

    Source(s): Myself? :)
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't get picked on. Only my friends know the extent of my riding, and they call me crazy (6 days a week for around an hour a day) but they don't mean it. I don't talk about it much to others because if they do ride, they ride Western and do something like Western Pleasure, which I just find silly but I wouldn't tell them that! Lol.

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