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If you knew you only had 24 hrs left on this earth, what would you do before you die?

Before you start writing think real hard about your answer and try to be as honest as you can. I'll give 10 points for the most interesting answer.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow...the most honest I can be.... hmmmm well:

    Truthfully there is not a lot you can do in 24 hrs. I couldn't go out of the country etc. as the travel time alone would eat well into that amount... so no great wall of China, etc. kind of dreams.

    I would have my mom cook me chicken fried steak, with mashed potatoes, corn, and gravy, with some sweet iced tea. I'd have my wife and as much family as could travel in be in our living room, i'd have the whole time videotaped for family who couldn't make it, i'd have everyone bring pictures, and swap stories, and read the Bible, and pray. Knowing we'd all meet again.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess I would take a motorcycle ride down the California coastal highway all the way to San Diego with a few friends, where I would dance the night away at the Hard Rock Hotel Pool deck Bar, sipping some fruit flavored Rum. Then in the morning I would go hand gliding with my 14 year old son before the hour of my demise. Yea, I think that would be a great way for me to go out!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't do anything differently than what I do each day. What I do is care for my family to the best of my abilities, make sure my children know they are loved, try to be kind, decent, and hope that when I go to sleep each night, I have done my part to leave the world (or at least, my small corner) a better place. I can't know that tomorrow will even come, and so I assume that this time right now is all I will ever have.

  • 1 decade ago

    It would depend entirely on the reason you knew you had only those 24 hours, Someone to be executed would be spending their time quite differently than someone terminally ill, with only hours left.

    Otherwise the question is too hypothetical.

    If the big asteroid is coming, just let me be with my loved ones, including my pets.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would go to the girl I love and kiss her. Then I would beat up her boyfriend with a baseball bat that I had stolen from a club. Then I would run away and die peacefully.

    Source(s): opinion
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would just sit and try to finish my book.... I would hate to be in the middle of a great story and not know what happened at the end.........

  • FROG E
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would tell as many people as I could that I am going to heaven because I have accepted Jesus Christ.....that they too could go to heaven but just accepting this gift of salvation

  • 1 decade ago

    I would go to Makkah and pray for mercy and ask for forgiveness.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think, I will like to meditate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Booze it up... like the Bible God would do!

    Jeremiah 25:27-28 (NIV) "Then tell them, “This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says* (*to his own chosen people!): DRINK, GET DRUNK AND VOMIT, and fall to rise no more because of the sword I will send among you.” But if they refuse to take the cup from your hand* (*priest/prophet/preacher’s hand) and drink, tell them, 'This is what the LORD Almighty says: YOU MUST DRINK IT!

    God must be serving some real cheap whiskey in this story! Only a Boozer God would insult anybody’s intelligence forcing them to drink to the point of VOMITING! Please, no matter what the Bible writers say, don’t overdo it especially if you have to drive! Heavy drinking is about the pattern in the Bible, and the dysfunctional Bible God loves to watch you drink until you VOMIT! The Bible ought to come with a warning label! Christian bigotry on TOTAL abstention for everybody else while they drink in the closet is very disgusting to say the least!

    The Bible God made King Solomon “the Wisest Man ever to set foot on this Earth!” And this is what he has to say about drinking in his book of Proverbs.

    Proverbs 31:6-7 (NIV) Give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those who are in anguish; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more* (*I always hear all the opposite from any preacher today WHILE THEY DO DRINK, but discreetly in the closet, of course! They admit that the Bible favors heavy drinking, “but it can get out of hand,” they say. So they feel morally justified preaching against drinking… Like Ted Habbard, the former Religious Adviser to President Bush would preach against homosexuality! And that is how Christianity is known for its bigotry! Most lay Christians would swear that their leaders don’t drink! I was a Fundamentalist Baptist minister and I know what I am talking about!)

    Without liquor, the Bible God is powerless to help the poor and needy! He is much busier peeping-Tom what you do in bed than feeding the starving children in the world!

    Zachariah 9:17 (KJV) For how great is his goodness* (*God’s goodness), and how great is his beauty* (*God’s beauty)! Corn* (*fermented corn whiskey!) shall make the young men cheerful, and new wine the maids* (*even in Bible times, wining the ladies was most appropriate! Only the Quran writers made life miserable for the Muslim ladies…).

    1 Corinthians 9:4 (KJV) (Saint Paul says) - Have we not POWER to eat and to DRINK?* (*Yes, strong booze! But most Christians today believe that Saint Paul is talking about grape juice!)

    God sets himself as an example of how much to drink!

    Numbers 28:7 (NIV) The accompanying drink offering is to be a quarter of a hin* (*quart) of FERMENTED DRINK (KJV "strong wine") with each lamb* (*while the Jews were starving to death in the Palestinian Promised Land Flowing with Milk and Honey, the Jewish Priests were sacrificing lambs by the thousands… you can only imagine how many US Gallons of booze that is…) POUR OUT THE DRINK OFFERING TO THE LORD at the sanctuary* (*BTW, the “sanctuary” of The LORD must have smelled like a cheap bar joint with so much strong booze offering poured all over the Altar!).

    The Bible writers are telling us what it is like when this Boozer God wakes up in the morning with a terribly hangover…


    Yeah… after all that fermented drink and strong wine offerings… red eyes… vomiting all over like when he was forcing everybody else to drink until they vomit… cursing like Hell… lacking good judgment.... and ready to start killing Christians especially those who are not up to date with their tithes and offerings! Christians came up with the crazy idea of shutting down liquor stores and bars on Sunday mornings during worship hours! It is like slapping God’s face real hard for demanding his daily “strong drink offering!”

    Revelation 14:10-11 (NIV) [Jesus says] "he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.* (*sheer Boozer God talk - Jer 25:27-28! The Bible God sure beats God Bacchus!)

    God the Son Jesus Christ’s FIRST MIRACLE EVER was to change water into WINE! So no wonder God the Son Jesus Christ was sweating blood asking his Boozer Daddy God up in the sky to “pass the cup!”

    2 Peter 1:21 (KJV) For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost* (*this statement comes as an epilogue to the Bible so you know that the Bible God in the person of the Holy Ghost inspired ALL that was written in it! It is like saying that Mickey Mouse inspired Walt Disney to write all about him!)

    Preachers won’t tell you this much because they know what to skim off the Bible so your faithful “giving to The LORD” won’t waiver! Christians hate atheists because they tell them just like it is in the Bible, without any “spiritually speaking” disfiguring! All the gratitude that I am getting for this transfer of knowledge is TDs!

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