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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureMythology & Folklore · 1 decade ago

Okay, Real question.. Does this make me a vampire?

I don't think I've ever bled before... (Yeah true) Yes, I've tried cutting myself (No not for "emo" reasons)

I didn't bleed..

I don't like being in the light .. I go out at night and I walk around in the alleys

We live in the middle of the woods.. we don't know anyone. we live off of animals and I don't have any other family...

I'm not scared of anything..

I always wear black (No I'm not depressed)

*I've actually seen blood and craved it*

I refuse to go to school ..I'm home schooled.

I'm really REALLY pale.

My eyes are BLACK. >BLACK<

I have huge pupils..

I sleep in a room with just a plane small little bed in the middle and black walls and candles all around...

For holloween I go into the woods stalking the young ones..

My teeth are sharp..

I wear a cape...

Almost everything gets me mad..

I never blink..

I can stand still for days and it won't bother me.

I eat NOTHING but meat.. I don't care how it's cooked, I'll eat it raw for all I Care...

My parents will NOT have pets.. I don't have siblings.. my parents are NEVER home.. they leave dressed in black, they're pale and they come back at dawn..

I'm nocturnal..

People fear me.

None of this is a joke, I know NONE of you won't beleive me.

But.. I don't care, I just need some opinions..

and don't call me GOTH or EMO. 'cause no..

I'm seventeen and I'm a female and I've never had a period.. Or anything..

and No, I'm not crazy...

as for the school thing, I take online classes...




People don't beleive anything...

Update 2:

This is not out of a book..

Think I'm crazy... I don't care...

Update 3:

I lay asleep in the day time..

Update 4:

I worship Satan...

Update 5:

shitty non beleivers.

**** you all.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So, correct me if I'm wrong... but, you don't know anyone, yet you recently asked a question about your best friend dating a 20-year-old? You ask people on Yahoo! Answers if you have the flu even though no one except for your doctor's office or a hospital could answer that for you? Your parents are never home yet somehow return at dawn allowing you to somehow be home-schooled online? You obviously crave attention. My suggestion is that you see a counselor or a psychologist or a therapist. They will allow you to express yourself without intervening and hurting your feelings like people on Yahoo! Answers will. They can also help you with your anger problems too.

    Source(s): personal experience. and your open profile on Yahoo! Answers.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes they are real and am 100% sure of it. After I finished reading Twilight too I wanted to know more so I searched on google and yahoo and found out that they might actually be real. I went on the history Channel and they had a show on about 21 Century vampires. They interviewed people who were actually vampires, I don't think the history channel would give out false information. Real vampires are not like the ones portrayed in movies, they don't fly, neither are they immortal but they tend to look younger then their age and live a long life, If you put a cross through their heart they will not die. Vampires tend to not like garlic but it won't do anything to them and they do have reflections. Their are also Psychic Vampires who suck peoples energy away from them.

  • 1 decade ago

    You answered your own question when you said you eat nothing but meat. Vampires do not eat food. They only drink blood.

    You just sound like a really weird kid. You really should go to school to get some socialization or you could become agoraphobic.

    As for never having a period, you need to go see a doctor. There are various reasons you don't have a period. You could be underweight or even missing a uterus. My Cousin suffers from turners syndrome (she is missing an x chromosome on the 23 pair) and doesn't have functioning ovaries and is completely missing her uterus so she will never have a period. You might even be a chromosomal male who is immune to testosterone. You would have all of the physical traits of a woman except you would have testicles where your ovaries should be. Serioiusly, you need to get checked out by a doctor.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, not bleeding and no period probably should ring a bell saying BLOOD PROBLEMS, which would probably be the reason for a pale face. There is no link to vampires and the lonely kid that hates going to school. The fact that your parents are never home more than likely suggests as to why they don't realize the fact that you think you are a vampire. So, unless you sparkle in the sunlight, lay off the twilight movies and eat some veggitables.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah sure... first off i didn't know tht vampires could age much less have the FLU... second some of these things apply to a girl i know but there are explanations behind it (for example... she cannot sleep at night... why? she's an insomniac)... third some of the things you mentioned about vampires are totally untrue (they don't wear capes, they only drink blood, they're not stalkers, some people aren't actually afraid of them they're afraid of crosses, garlic, holy water,etc.)... and fourth you take online classes right? well if you were a vampire why would you care about education and even if your parents do they're never home anyway according to you and lastly computer/laptop lights are bright (even if you're near light)... im sorry to say this but you're not a vampire and vampires do not exsist...

  • 1 decade ago

    vampires are a myth

    seventeen and never had a period? sorry but i don't believe that

    and just because you eat meat doesn't mean you're a vampire

    vampires need blood to survive not meat

    and because you all dress in black and look creepy means nothing

    and stalking kids on halloween is just creepy and stalkerish

    if you were a vampire you'd kill them and drink their blood

    vampires don't sleep

    so what if you don't go to school?

    if you were a vampire you'd know you were

    and like i said before, vampires are a myth

    the only real vampires are creepy people who like to drink human blood ( yes some people are disgusting enough to do that, or some drink pig blood instead)

    and if you knew nobody would believe you why would you post this?

    i know i'm ranting but i had to get all this out :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What kind of woods do you live in where there are alleys? And wearing a cape/all black and worshiping Satan are choices. None of this make you supernatural in any way. It sounds to me like you have some serious emotional issues. You should see a therapist. Not a joke.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, vampires don't exist. The only animals that I know of that drink blood are one species of bat (forgot the name) and parasites. You're trying to convince yourself that you are a vampire. Maybe they're real, but seriously, it sounds like you're a wannabe. Not to be harsh, I'm just answering your question. Sorry if this is disappointing...You might want to talk to a counselor if you're serious. It sounds like you're having issues with yourself. People try to deny being human and something else because they don't want to be human. This can lead to depression and suicide, and some forms of insanity depending on severity...

    Talk to your parents, if you're so suspicious of the unusual behavior. I'm sure they will explain things to you. And if you want to go to school, ask them and they will more than likely let you go.

    Best of luck.

  • 1 decade ago


    okay having those physical features means NOTHING, where u live means NOTHING, ur parents job means NOTHING, stalking people on halloween? thats just fuuukin creepy, u wear a cape? hahahahaahahaha XD, getting pissed off at everything means ur just an angry person, u don't crave ur mind u want to crave it so u can believe ur something else, eating meat? oh wow., people fear u? i wonder why?

    and for the period thing....maybe u were born a dude. and to answer ur question NO ur not a vampire.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    okay, what the hell has happened to the world. We now have people who think they are monsters and vampires. No your not a vampire because vampires do not exist, and you need to relize that. Yes, lots of people wish they were real (including me) and many people fantize about being one but they aren't real. ARE NOT REAL, just relize that your mind is probably tricking you from not seeing sunshine.

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