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Angel Wolf 13 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

INTEGRATING 2 DOG PACKS FOR 12 WEEKS?? What do You Think of my plan?

Leaving for Florida.....bringing my 3 Yorkies....going to a home with 3 similar dogs. ALL neutered Males... This is my plan, please give me your opinions????? I am used to integrating 1 or 2 new rescued dogs to MY packs over the years, and mine do well at Yorkie events......

Instead of letting 6 dogs loose at first meeting, I will introduce the 2 Alpha males, followed by the two 2nd in command, followed by the two youngest, and of the same breed. (Both Biewer's)

Then I will allow the two Alphas with the two youngest Biewers. Lastly, I will integrate our two middle dogs, who usually are the wildest!

So, contacts of mine, and anyone else who wishes to ensure that I do not get asked to leave after 2 weeks!

I know my pack, and I know the other dogs. I am estimating a few days for full acceptance. Any other suggestions are appreciated!

All I want for Christmas is to escape the Frozen Tundra!

Merry Christmas! Angel Wolf 13


EDIT: Yes, outside on neutral turf...we will intro, walk, and then enter home.....

Update 2:

EDIT: TO all! Thank You so much! Hi Earl! Chetco...voice of reason..Beth...LOL...Good luck with the "Newbies"! Naysa and Wishnu...Yes! Thanks!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I was just sitting here wondering how I am going to introduce Miss Snookie to the five pups I brought home. Though I suspect them eating her will be a bigger problem than her eating them...You saw her picture!

    Jerry and I always introduce in the dog pen...exercise yard, with the leashes on. We actually use the little slip leashes for this except when Benji gets to meet them. Him we muzzle and use both a prong and choke collar! And then we sit on him. (You know I am kidding.)

    Seriously, your plan sounds good. I would plan on long walks to let them get to know each other and you already know...equal attention. I have found my pack will accept those I am most accepting of. If they sense I am tense in the least, they react with vigor...and this gives the term "hybrid vigor" an entirely NEW meaning.

    I can barely be serious today so I do hope this has made a little sense. We are on our way now to get Sad Miss Snookie.

    Wish me luck.

    Source(s): Add: I just saw Chetco's response. They do bond better in the evenings. I have always believed this was because they were planning their escape and the nightly adventures...if only in their minds.
  • Chetco
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I hope the weather will be suitable for walking. The quickest way to integrate dogs, is to walk them together. Usually, by the end of an hour walk, they are fine together. That walk should include some bench sitting,

    If your dogs will walk two at a time, you could take 2, with your friend taking one. Take a dominant one, and a youngster.

    For some reason, evening walks work the best, as dogs seem to bond more, as nightime is approaching..

    Source(s): btdt
  • 1 decade ago

    I would have thought a walk first, to wear them down would be a good choice, but you know these dogs, so you will know what is best. Have a safe trip and a Merry Christmas.

  • 1 decade ago

    You will be introducing each on neutral territory yeah? not in the other dogs home. Mainly with the alpha's. Other than that I think it sound like a good plan.

  • Earl J
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like you have it under control. May the top dog win...peacefully.

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