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Does God Put People in Our Lives for a Reason?

Long story short:

For most of my life I have cared for so many people. Family and friends and loved ones.

I supported my entire family including parents. When my father was put in a nursing home I paid his tab at $7,000 a month and have made the last payment even though he died in 2001. My brother only paid a tiny amount of money towards dad's bill even though my brother had hidden over half a million dollars of my dad's money from me. My brother watched me starve and try and feed my family while I paid dad's nursing home bill. He let me suffer with decreased earnings because I spent half my week in the nursing home with dad while my brother was taking money from my dad's accounts and hiding it from me.

After dad died, I borrowed money to help pay my brother's bills when he said he was broke and was desperate. He never repaid that money.

After dad died I was crushed. I met a very special person. Things were very good between us for years until a few months ago. I was generous with this person to a fault, but it would appear that all the help I gave them, and their family was well-intended but as it turns out unappreciated.

In retrospect, though this is probably wrong, I have found little good from having this person in my life. I really did love them, and in the end it is not looking like it is going to work out. I gave them so much of me and my time and resources, and so much of my heart, when they needed it, but now when I need them they are gone.

Their famous line was that God put us in each other's lives for a good reason.

I know this is wrong, but I sometimes wish that I never met them. I have had such pain because I had a great deal of love, faith and trust in them.

Why does it seem like he has been putting people in my life so that I help them or make them feel better and in the end all I am left with is pain, humiliation and so much loss? I work very hard. I am very conservative, and I try very hard to be a good person.

I am just trying to figure out the point of this person even being in my life when all it has brought me in the end is hurt and personal loss.

Recently this same person, who has personally benefited from my generosity, love and support told me that God did not put us in each other's life and disassociated from me. I had also been tormented by other members of this person's family with hateful messages and voice mails.

So I guess does God put people in our lives or are we all just being hooked with some huge con game?

In short: I am betting its 50/50. God waves people in front of our faces, then we make the mistake of trusting them.


Edited to Add:

The family w/ in dire need of social services and legal help years ago. Their son was charged with armed robbery and poss. of firearm. He was 12 at the time. I got them food and jobs when they needed them and got the kid off the hook completely. Their oldest son almost didn't make it into college, I got him in. This year they started acting nasty towards me for no reason. Then a few days ago the same mother who thanked me for helping her sons years ago ranted and raved at me and said other mean things.

I have never asked any of these people for anything and have given them help whenever they needed it and asked. I don't know what happened at all.

The oldest son graduated from college and he called to tell me he was grateful, but his mother has gone off the deep end and taken the youngest and her husband down the toilet with her.

Suffice it to say that's life. I am grateful the oldest son said a good word to me. Thanks Kathleen and Liz and the rest of you.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many users in the world. You too good for them. God put every thing on world in it for everyh one.

    Turst cant be bought it must be earned. You trust people too easyh.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Is the end Near?
  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Does God Put People in Our Lives for a Reason?

    Long story short:

    For most of my life I have cared for so many people. Family and friends and loved ones.

    I supported my entire family including parents. When my father was put in a nursing home I paid his tab at $7,000 a month and have made the last payment even though he died in 2001. My...

    Source(s): god put people lives reason:
  • 1 decade ago

    I know it hurts when people take advantage, particularly family. While God often does put people in our lives for a reason, you must also learn to take care of yourself and protect yourself from those who would use you. I learned this the hard way, just as you have. If all someone does is ask you for money or gifts, or even accepts these things from you, there is more than likely a problem. If someone truly loves you, they want to do things for you, not take from you. God was not the one who put this person in your life; they clearly belong to his opposite. We all have free will, and have to use it with discernment and not allow ourselves to be used. You learned a painful lesson, and I will pray for you. The right person is out there; don't let hurt and anger separate you from God or other people.

    To be perfectly honest, I would also take any legal action that was possible against this person to recover some of your money, and also take out restraining orders against them and their family if you can manage it. I would definitely talk to an attorney! Being a Christian doesn't mean letting someone walk all over you or mistreat you.

    God Bless you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    God puts people in our lives for a reason? Yes God put Moses, Jesus (peace upon them all) for reason of guiding Jews the right way of life and to forbid what is wrong way of life. Jews who tried kill him will get their punishment. Prophets were there to guide them the right way. Instead some people started worshipping some Prophets as gods after they died. That will not be an acceptable excuse that God sent them there to guide them.. God will punish those who worship other than God the creator and sustainers of all because He has warned through his Prophets that worshipping any one other than Him will be sin and punishable offense.

  • connie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure that everyone in our lives are put there for our purpose, but I do believe that God does put certain people in our lives for His plans. But it is up to us to respond as He would want us to..and we will if we are following Jesus. Sometimes we choose to allow someone to be a part of our lives intimately when it was not in God's plan and that is our own fault then when misery follows because we are to pray always for God's will, not our own. God bless

  • Annie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I also think it is about a 50/50 thing... God puts some and satan puts some..... but no matter which puts them their, the way we react or what we do really only matters to God I think... Everything you did, helping all those you did brought glory to God, and I bet it made satan mad... I would expect that you probably have another one just waiting in the wings, satan is not gonna give up ya know... Take comfort in knowing all that you did was what Jesus himself would have done..... You fed, clothed, watered and sheltered those who YOU thought needed it.... Rather they did are not is beside the point, you brought glory to God for doing it .... Have you ever noticed satan don't mess with those he already has, it is those of us who refuse to give in to him that he just keeps pushing... So you hang in there.... Don't expect things from others... and praise God for everyday you have and or will serve Him...... go in peace.... God bless

  • 1 decade ago

    Guard your heart with all diligence dear; that being saying I have to say this

    God never have a desire to hurt us in anyway so he would not put anyone in our lives to hurt us or teach us a lesson. I agree that God wants to teach us things but I don't think its that way, there are other ways I'm sure.

    God warns us and its up to us to discern if that person is worth our time. God takes us to trials to help us grow stronger but I don't think he just put people in our lives for the heck of it; we have free will and we choose to hold on to people and get attached to people who aren't worth it.

    Email me if you have more questions...nice Bible study topic I have to star this one

    Source(s): Most ppl say He does put ppl in our lives for a reason; but I'd rather learn from other ppls experience you don't have to worry about me touching the pot after you already told me the pot is hot ;)
  • 1 decade ago

    I am not sure that God puts people in our lives for a reason all the time works. But I know sometimes it does. For example, if you find God, it only happened because God allowed that person into your life.

    I do know that God allows us to suffer because we can build character from it, and help others when they are low. If you need help, God can help. From your message, it appears that God is not in your life. You need to invite Him into your heart so you can make a change in your life the better.

    To see how God changed other people who were feeling down or had a hard life go to .

    For more information about God please check out my sources below:

  • musa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes. All things happen for a reason, to make us wise n closer to God.

    We are almost like in the same boat. It had made me a better person n closer to God.

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