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Since global warming has been proven to be a fake, why is obama still pretending?

Lets face it, the head of the UNs IPCC climate change group falsified a TON of data to make it look like there was a temperature increase. WHen he was exposed as a fraud he deleted 150 years worth of temperature data from the data banks. Now some liebrals with nu understanding of how science works claim "that doesn't men he was lying" . Look, let me do this really slow for you. Say you are a scientist and work for 35 years to build up credibility and stature in the scientific community. Now you submit 10 years worth of articles claiming the earth is heating up. Now the data proves you lied. Do you really think these men risked their entire careers to falsify data when it already backed up their claims? Or do you think there had to be a reason they decided to risk 30 years of work by falsifying the data? Very good. SO now we can all agree the data was faked to make it look like the earth was warming up. Now since we can agree on that we should be able to also agree that if the earth is NOT warming, there is no earth or "global" warming. Very good. Now since there is no global warming why would obama pretend there was? Do you think it would be to extort more taxes and exert greater control over the american people? Lets look at that. Hmm

health care (check)

Fake global warming (check)

SB 2433 the only bill obama was the main sponsor in in congress. it expands US welfare world wide (check)

WHile bush was a dumb butt for running a $450 Billion deficit one Year, he looks like a wanna be scrooge compared to Barry's $1.8 TRILLION deficit

"I dont believe in reparations. THey simply do not go far enough" B. Obama.

Hmm it looks like his whole agenda is championing fake causes, raising taxes and taking your rights away. God selection in presidents folks


Grudd concludes, as is readily evident from the results presented in the figure above, that "the late-twentieth century is not exceptionally warm in the new Tornetrask record," since "on decadal-to-century timescales, periods around AD 750, 1000, 1400 and 1750 were all equally warm, or warmer." More specifically, he notes that "the warmest summers in this new reconstruction occur in a 200-year period centered on AD 1000,"

Update 2:

I dont kow ungodly. I guess we would have to ask the UNS global warming brach who falsified data to make it look like the temperature was increasing to know that. Maybe you can help me out. If the ice is breaking up around new zealand, why are antartic glaciers growing?


Davis, C.H. and Ferguson, A.C. 2004. Elevation change of the Antarctic ice sheet, 1995-2000, from ERS-2 satellite radar altimetry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 42: 2437-2445.

driven by the significantly positive trend of the much larger east Antarctic ice sheet, the ice volume of the entire continent grew ever larger over the last five years of the 20th century, the majority of which increase, according to Davis and Ferguson, was due to increased snowfall.

Hmm larger ice sheets, increased snow fall, positive trends in ice sheet size. this all means there is less ice! sounds like you are a global warming scientist!

Update 3:

oralbob can you read? I cited a real scientific journal article. they say the antartic ice sheets are growing. You do realize growing means not getting smaller, right?

Update 4:

Ooh and oralbob, heres another journal ar4ticle for your reading pleasure:


Grudd, H. 2008. Tornetrask tree-ring width and density AD 500-2004: a test of climatic sensitivity and a new 1500-year reconstruction of north Fennoscandian summers. Climate Dynamics: 10.1007/s00382-0358-2.


Noting that many tree-ring-based climate histories terminate far short of the end of the 20th century, Grudd states "there is an urgent need to update existing tree-ring collections throughout the northern hemisphere," especially (as his results vividly demonstrate) to make valid comparisons of past high-temperature periods, such as the Medieval Warm Period, with those the present, i.e., the Current Warm Period.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Human caused "global warming" is the biggest farce since Y2K. The politicians pushing for legislation and "treaties" to combat this faked problem are doing so in order to increase their power and control over people. Comrade Obama is a fascist/Marxist/communist with no respect for anything that disagrees with his plot to turn America into a third world country.

    "Icebergs off New Zealand"? Simple. The chunk of ice was so large when it broke off that it didn't melt before reaching New Zealand. Did you expect it to melt as soon as it hit the water?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    worldwide warming became into created by using liberals to extract extra tax funds from you and companies. Liberals continually desire a crises, and GW is it. We have been advised 40 years in the past that of something became into no longer finished right this moment, there may be no earth by using 2000. The liberals and their liberal scientists at the instant are frantic over this, as a results of fact they have been shown incorrect. think of roughly it. in case you have been a liberal "scientist" whose furnish and earnings depended upon the learn of international warming, how might you record the findings?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Global warming is still a fact, look at the verifiable data for yourself; a few idiots "massaging" the data to make it "easier to understand" is (of course) WRONG, but it doesn't change the facts....the planet is warming at an unprecedented rate (so is Mars, BTW)....

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not a fake. Icebergs are floating off of New Zealand. How do you explain that without being a liar?

    You don't.

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