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Syria and Israel peace?!?!?

i heard something on he news a week ago..

smthn about syria wants peace with israel and having embassies in both countries..and good relations..

woow.. i thought syria ws helping Hezbollah terrorist group to fight against israel ..and i thought that jawlan is a syrian land under israeli occupation..

... Hezbollah and palestinians still love syria??

i thought syria and israel were enemies lol.. silly me!


@ YO! 7th account : Hizbolla IS a terrorist organisation and here's the link

You can also search for the definition of "terrorist"

i can remember Lebanon before Hizballa and i know how it would be like without would be great.

we would have peace with Israel lke before which is benificial for both countries..

who are we kidding we all know that shibaa farms and kfarshouba are not lebanese..even syria refuses to say that they are lebanese for syria wants hizbolla to get them back for her and if u watch a little bit of news u would remember what was being discussed in the parliment about those lands..syria refuses to say that they are lebanese! for they are actually syrian..

emplies : Hizbola is armed not protect lebanon from the imaginary enemy nor to protect the palestinians..ask iran for more info..

& btw..dont be against the jews its the government..(dont hate the player hate the game

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With all due respect YO!, I consider Hezbollah a militia rather than a peaceful party protecting their people..

    They are protecting their people not the Lebanese people.. If it were for national security they would've given up their weapons to the army.

    Back to you question.. If a Syrian-Israeli peace takes place then Lebanon is doomed..

    It seems like everyone is looking for their benefit..except for our country...

    Lebanon should find solutions for its national-security threatening issues ASAP..

    Long Live Lebanon

    Source(s): @
  • virgen
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Israel already provided the Golan - such a lot for all of the claims it is Israel's fault. ==== When Syria turns into a democracy or theocracy as a substitute of dictatorship - then there may be desire. Israel has already provided the Golan in 2000. Only a minority have been in opposition to it within the knesset. It used to be Syria that sponsored out for the reason that no rationale given besides no longer in need of to entire ANY deal - no counter present used to be made. So as useful as it's - Israel has been inclined to alternate it for peace. Israel hasn't began any wars, in order that suggestion is deceptive. It's if SYRIA bombs Israel, & Israel acquires extra land consequently, perhaps however not going Syria could alternate peace for it. Too dangerous the arena stopped Israel for the duration of 'sixty seven & 'seventy three. She used to be on her approach to Damascus & Cairo. The alternate stress for peace could had been more potent ---- then perhaps there'd had been peace. Or if Israel carried out democracy in Syria & eliminate Bashar -- perhaps. Then once more, imposing democracy in previous dictatorships has demonstrated itself tough-time ingesting (as any sane character could have anticipated. So no suggestion why Bush did not recognize that.)

  • 1 decade ago

    Peace between Israel and Syria would be great. In order for that to occur however, Syria would have to sever its links with Iran and Hezbollah and renounce war against Israel. If that were done, Israel would probably give back the Golan in exchange for a Peace Treaty along the lines of those with Egypt and Jordan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's all about the money. As Syria's label as a state that sponsors terrorism, it has essentially been ostracized from the international community as far as economic opportunities are concerned. This costs Syria approx. $600 million in lost revenue yearly. Syria's stipulation that Israel must return the Golan Heights as the key to peace is not going to happen. So, as far as I'm concerned "talk is cheap" and Syria is just playing games.

  • Rocker Hezbollah is not a terrorist group first of all. They are trying to protect their people and succeeded TWICE (You snooze you lose Jews). Anyways I remember the war and how CNN brought a family (Lebanese American) b/c the American government wanted to get all US citizens out of Lebanon. Could you imagine wait Lebanon would be like without Hezbollah.

    I don't want any of the arab countries to be associated with Israel at all. True I am Egyptian and Egypt is like the #1 supported of Israel and than here comes Saudi Arabia which I despise. NO Peace with those jews. I love Syria and I hope that they don't fall for that jew peace thing. Jews are very sly and sneaky. I wonder what they have up their sleeves.I hope it's only propaganda and that it doesnt happen. It's probably some Jew tactic.

  • @ True American

    "israel and syria bitter enemy's since B.C 7000"

    How exactly when Israel is 62 years old?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    We (Israel and Syria) are not battling but you can't call it peace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Syria is deep in bed with Iran.

    They've learned that talking about peace is beneficial to remove international sanctions, but show no real intention for peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would much rather see all israel's effort go into helping lebanon against syria and helping lebanon get rid of hezbollah which is blocking lebanons path back to its former glory.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    israel and syria bitter enemy's since B.C 7000

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