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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

How can any liberal who loves America, honestly support what Congress has done with the Health Care bill ?

they could not be more blatant about buying the votes that they needed , they have very openly made these deals for votes and really are rubbing Americas face in it ! The polls all show that the majority of Americans are against this bill as it is written ! Yet they are giving sweetheart deals to dozens of senators for there votes ! How can you justify this ? Every one of these deals is going to cost the taxpayers outside of these states millions of tax dollars , no one will see any benefit from the bill for 3 years , the money is not held in a separate fund like SS originally was, so Congress has easy access to it ! Why don't you realize this is the biggest ponzy scheme of all time ? They claim how many more Americans will have insurance they aren't telling you how many still won't have it !

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jocelyn is right-the flaw in your logic is that liberals love America. They don't- they are still mad because the USSR fell and they dearly want this to become the Union of Socialist States of America. Liberals have been raised with the mentality that they are "entitled." That they are owed free this and that-no where in the Constitution does it say that they are entitled to free anything, but they believe it. The liberal Cleptocrats- those Emanuel brothers-are the Castro brothers of America, gaining power by putting up puppet kings and feeding the spoiled brat child "gimme!" mentality of the liberal sheeple. The idiotic Harry Reid compared Republicans (DeceptiCons, in my book) to those that opposed freeing the slaves. Funny, according to my (PRE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS) history books those people were labeled DEMOCRATS. And now the Democrats are wanting to reinstate slavery on a much grander scale. Enslave the populace to the People's Party's National-Socialist Medical system. Enslave Licensed Practitioners of the Healing Arts to provide their labor against their will, convincing others that they are entitled to the sweat of another's brow. That is why libs are not squawking. They are just a bunch of spoiled children getting something for nothing. That "nothing," sadly, is liberty. Ironic; "liber"als giving up "liberty." Patrick Henry was right...

    Source(s): History.
  • Joe C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    According to the CBO, the net effect of the Senate's health care reform bill would be a $132 Billion savings in the fiscal years 2010 through 2019.

    Making sweetheart deals is the way laws are made in this country.

    The same people that decry pork spending, are the ones who are willing to toss out their Sen or Rep as soon as they don't get that highway improvement money for their state.

    But all this talk about Heath Care reform is noise, until the bill comes back from the Resolution committee, we don't know what's on the table.

  • RE
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Don't worry, Nelson et al. won't get to keep unreasonable perks after the settlement of the Senate and House bills. It was just a bargaining tool, in which you always ask for more than you finally settle for. Republicans also follow the tradition of wheeling and dealing for votes, so Americans are used to it by now. As for how many Americans will/won't have insurance, if 90% will have coverage, a third grader could subtract 90 from 100 to get 10. By the way, this will only be the first of the health care reform bills, as the fine-tuning proceeds. So for the sake of your spleen, calm down, wait and see. Don't let your "leaders" whip you into a toxic frenzy, or you may wish you had that improved coverage yourself, here and now. I wonder if insurance companies consider political blindness to be a pre-existing condition.

    Liberals and conservatives both love America. The only difference is that liberals love it for its great, though unachieved, ideals of liberty, equality and justice, which they continue to pursue. Conservatives tend to like the status quo, especially if they are freer, richer, and better able to buy the justice that is denied to groups and individuals they consider less worthy than themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The thing is, , and I see I am not the only one who thinks this, That liberals do not love America as it was founded or as it is. No, They are embarrassed at our superpower status,They are embarrassed at American Exceptional-ism, or deny its very existence. they think we are responsible for all the worlds trouble and they even think we are responsible for the weather! To show you how Kooky they are!

    What they DO love is what they think they can turn America into. If they can lie their way into power(which they have done) then just start throwing babies out with tubs of bathwater with everything they touch.

    During the campaigns, Obama talked of "Fundamental Changes" to America. The glassy-eyed Obama-bots did not know what he meant by that, But we did, Right?

    When He said "take on insurance companies to bring down costs" I said to my wife (an Obama-bot herself) "How do you think he will do that"? "I don't know" she said. I said that he meant to say "Take Over". She then said that I do not like him because he is black!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the only issues our contributors of congress care approximately are: a million) Themselves 2) potential 3) The occasion. they do no longer care with regard to the yank human beings or what u.s. stands for - in the event that they did, they does no longer be doing approximately ninety% of the BS they have been doing over the previous many years.

  • 1 decade ago

    Congress can't fix Social Security, nor Medicaid and Medicare.

    They are driving these programs broke.

    How can anyone believe they will properly manage

    a trillion dollar Health Care Package?

    How long will it take for them to rob this fund?

  • 1 decade ago

    They are blinded by their hatred of conservatives and just want to be able to claim victory about something, apparently having elected Obama isn't good enough. It also seems they've abandoned any moral principles they had.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your question contradicts itself.

    Liberals (aka socialists, Marxists etc) by definition HATE America.

    That is why bills like this (designed to destroy what America is in a fundamental way) make the libs so happy.

    Remember next election cycle - no Democrat gets elected by clearly saying what they WILL do.

    America rejects their ideology.

    They HAVE to lie just to get elected to pursue their Marxist agenda.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't .

    But How could any true American vote twice for the very man who trashed the Constitution with the patriot act ?

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bill is not radical enough. Lucky for me I live in England.

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