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Do you believe that the two-party system of our US government is flawed?

It seems to me that Congressmen will oppose certain legislation simply because it was proposed by a member of, or is supported by the sitting President of, the "opposing" party, rather than basing judgment simply on the merits of the proposal. I AM NOT specifically referring to the health care bill, nor do I care to have this question turn into a debate on why that particular piece of legislation should or should not be passed. Thank you.


Thank you, Joan, for that oh-so- intellectual contribution you have made to this question. You just epitomized the reason for my asking this question. You obviously are one of those, of whatever part affiliation, that cares more about casting stones at others than what is best for this Nation.

Update 2:

And Frankle, also.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes.You have a lot of Politicians who will do just about anything to make sure that there party gets re- elected.As well as the points that you have stated.Bipartisan?What does that word even mean anymore.Good healthy debate is a good thing in a Democracy.The more voices,the more ideas the better!

  • 5 years ago

    If you believe democracies supply upward push to the wealthy and strong controlling the desire of individuals appear at socialists, communists, old monarchies, tyrants, and many others. Is your query approximately a 2 occasion procedure or the character of the procedure itself. The 2 occasion procedure is polarized within the US and a specific 3rd occasion option like the upward thrust of Perot years again used to be under no circumstances institutionalized to help a protracted status platform that would be a extra consultant voters. So sure one other occasion would be followed however it will take a measured destruction of the 2 occasion procedure for it to come up and perhaps that is precisely whats taking place. Unfortunately, we're handiest on the starting of a bumpy avenue at the back of someones else's Bentley, however ultimately all of us land within the ditch.

  • 1 decade ago

    As an Irish person, I have never understood how a developed, democratic country like the U.S. could only have two political parties. I know if I was there I couldn't bring myself to vote for either of them, because I only agree with about half of both their political policies.

    In Ireland, there are five major political parties even when we leave out all the minor ones. We currently have a coalition government between two of these. And the Republic of Ireland only has a population of about 4 million.

    People are all different and very rarely fall into exact little boxes. I don't know how the U.S. continues to function with so few political options for its voters.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, because the underlying assumption of such a system is that there are only 2 alternatives to any proposal.

    I would greatly prefer that the US change to a parliamentary form of government, since our system is so incredibly ineffectual with regards to the will of the voters. Most people realize this, and that's why they hardly vote any more.

    Source(s): A Voter.
  • 1 decade ago

    At this point and time, the US government is the most corrupt government in the world. I mean all of it not just the Dem's.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A two party system where both are right wing, leaves ordinary people feeling dis-enfranchised.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it is flawed, we should hang Democrats from light posts by their necks.

    Blessed Be

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not the parties so much as the lobbyists that have bought them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Democrats are flawed. They tottale are ignorant of facts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Every system is flawed. SURPRISE!

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