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Makings of super hot chile, am I missing anything?

here is my ingredients: Jalapenos, Peruvian hot chile peppers, Mexican hot sauce, Spicy and hot Chile bean chile mix, Chipotle Peppers, Mexican Hot style tomato sauce. 1 lb ground beef soaked in the hot sauce 24 hrs. Will mix all together and let sit for 12 hrs and cook for another 12 hrs.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of MILK, seriously, you might need to have it delivered by the truck load. Another thing you are missing is the invitation you should have sent the local Fire Department....LOL. They typically love hot Chili, and it wouldn't hurt to have them around to put out the FIRE!!!!!

    Hey, i just had a great idea, since the fire dept. has a big "water toting" trucks, just have them replace the water with milk and then invite them for dinner, might have to bump up your volume of chili but you'll kill 2 birds with one stone.

    (wishing i was invited.....pouting)

    p.s. in answer to your question, seriously, i can't think of anything. Except maybe some shredded cheese to go on top and some bread for dunking in the chili and licking the bowl clean. See what you started, now i'm drooling!!


  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds pretty good but I would ad some Cummin powder. It gives it that Mexican food aroma that I like. Just ad to taste. You can over due it.

  • 1 decade ago

    it sounds scrumptious! i would just add many different types of beans.

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