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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Do you think that protestant church services are conducted in an irreverent fashion?

Now I am not a Christian, or at least I don't align myself with mainstream 'orthodox' Christianity. But I have to say that as someone who has attended church services conducted by many denominations, I find that the Protestant services seem disorganised, irreverent and somewhat sloppy in their presentation. People jump around and are disruptive in the services (e.g. random people in the congregation praying aloud, people crying etc.). Now I don't feel that god would find this appropriate behaviour during what is supposed to be a worship service; if I were to go to someones house in real life I would not behave like this so why do Protestants engage in this kind of irreverent behaviour during church?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree.

    "Let all things take place decently and by arrangement" -1 Corinthians 14:40

    That same chapter describes how the Christian congregation services should take place, that there shouldn't be disruptions. Furthermore, 1 Timothy 2:9, 10 states that women (and men for that matter) should dress in a way that a person professing to revere God should dress.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think they are irreverent, but they are rather different. at least the ones I've gone to.

    I've been to a faith christian center pentacostal church with my sister, and in the middle of the preacher talking someone would start laughing, or someone start crying, I was appauled, but my sister thought it was the holy spirit. I do not beleive it. I think that man just was bored and started thinking of something funny, without the true form of worship, which in the bible it says, they attended to the prayers and the breaking of the bread. Some of the prostestant services sounds like the ones in the bible that get a scolding.

    I'll happily stick with the holy catholic mass.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A display of emotion is one thing. But a total lack of reverence is quite another. Children run screaming through the church before the service starts. Drum sets on the “stage” (i.e. performance-based) where an altar should be. Sermons that talk for 45 min. about nothing in particular (or even hating on Catholics). Then again, I suppose there’s nothing to be reverent for, as Jesus is not sacramentally present there.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not describing typical Protestant churches. What you are describing are either Charismatic or Pentecostal churches.

    Pentecostal churches are specific denominations; some of them do not have "Pentecostal" in their name, such as Foursquare or Assemblies of God.

    Charismatic churches may be found in any denomination, or may be non-denominational.

    While most Protestant churches tend to be more free-form in their worship format, the kind of irreverent, anything-goes behavior you describe is *not* typical.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well I've heard it said that Methodists are "Catholic-lite" so you should enjoy a Mass service. The point isn't what church you go to, but whether or not you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have a calling on your heart to visit a Roman Catholic church, then go. It sounds like God wants you to see or hear something there that will improve your walk with Him. God Bless!

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you ever been to an Episcopal church? We're considered protestant and our church services are very far from what you describe. The same thing goes for the Methodist, Lutheran, and Presbyterian services I've been to over the years. In what churches have you seen this behavior?

    Edit: I find it interesting that people feel it is acceptable to act as if their church is the only right way. I may not agree with the way a church or denomination worships; however, I don't feel the need to try to put them down.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no such thing as a protestant Church. there is only one church. those protestant sects that call themselves churches are merely bible studying fellowships.

    The Essence of what is wrong with protestant services is that Jesus is not there. The symbolic taking of the Eucharist is sacrilegious and disrespectful as well as a lie and a heresy. It is probably one of the most hurtful things on this earth to Our Lord and

    Savior, to see this sacrament desecrated in this fashion. Every time they pull out the crackers and the grape juice they are engaging in a rite that is truly Satanic.

    Stay away from the Anglicans -- the Episcopalians they are the worst of the bunch -- I was a member. All the ritual none of the guilt -- right. I call it the church of the fridged heir. It was founded on divorce and be-headings, heck by all means go ... lol

    One of the ways they and the other orignal bramches from the true vine are the worst is that they make the Eucaharistc portion of there service look as if it were the real thing and yet they call it and see it as symbolic. This is completly sacraleigous and Satanic to take this sacrament of the conversion of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Our lord and savior given directly to us by him and to stand just as the Catholic preists stand mimicing the real thing and then call it symbolic is the worst descration and disrespect to Jesus tha I have witnessed.

    And these days we see with the disruption and disunity within the Aglican communion that this instituionalized sacraleige is bearing fruit. They just can't seem to get it together on anything.

    It is fast becoming the church of the homosexual female priests, which would make it as close to wiccan as one can get.

    Nope, protestantism is one of the deveils greates achievements. To get people to actually believe they are going to heavn, when they are not, is pure satanic genious.

    After all he was one of teh greatest of the angels, Lucifer means light bearer. We can only imgine what his rebllion was like, when this lowly arc angel, st. micahel, shouted "WHO THEN IS LIKE UNTO GOD" and threw him from heaven.

    St. John Capistran Pray for us.

  • Maria
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Protestant church services aren't typically irreverent in my experience. At any service, there may be some people not behaving respectfully in a house of God, but that reflects on those people, not on the church itself. At times the Holy Spirit does speak to some causing them to weep but when the Holy Spirit is truly speaking during public worship, there is no disruption to the service.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that depends a whole lot on the denomination. I guess what you've seen happens in some churches, but in others it's very different. The Lutheran and Mormon services that I've been to weren't like that.

    I think it doesn't matter. If God exists, I'm pretty sure that all he cares about is that you be a good person, and when you're not you ask for forgiveness. Each person worships in a different way. That's how God made the world (if you believe in that sort of thing).

  • 1 decade ago

    When you get together with your father and family, and playing various games, how do you all behave?

    Have you been to parties held by different ethnicities?

    I do not know what you have seen, but in some churches including Catholics, they let children in to be part of the service. They certainly do not feel like business environment. They feel like family environment. We just need to know their customs.

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