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I have the job, husband stays home with kids. He is overwhelmed, what can I do?

I try to do as much as I can when i'm home. Take care of the kids for him, try to get him to go out and have some fun. I try to do all the housework. I just don't know what else to do.I just want to make things easier on him and him not feel miserable. We also live with his parents, and that doesn't help the matter at all. They are constantly telling him how to raise the kids. He is an Amazing father and doesn't need them butting in. I want to do something for him to help him feel better. Please help. Thanks


ok look he's not a deadbeat, He is continually looking for work in our small tow n and hasn't had any luck at all. At least I have a husband that cares enough about me and the kids that he is willing to take good care of them. Also I don't need to work on my self esteem. I just want to help him out. I love him that much. Not all men are pieces of crap. AND if we could move out, we would have done it a long time ago. Things are hard and I am just trying to help out where I can. He does a lot for me and my kids without working. I don't need answers that are putting him down. I need ones that are helpful. Thanks

Update 2:

I didn't mean to say I do all the house work. I try to do it on my days off so that he can have some peace. He does a lot for our family. He does cook and clean and takes care of the kids. Helps his asshole of a father when he needs it. I am happy with my husband and my kids. Nothing is wrong with our relationship at all. I just want him to have some time to himself.

Update 3:

Sorry I keep adding details but i'm getting some really not helpfull answers. We do pay his parens rent so we are not mooching off of them. We cook them dinner too. We are both doing things the right way, and sometimes people get overwhelmed and need help. I'm glad i'm married to my husband and not one of you ladies. Downright mean.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, get your own place! I've been where you are and Honey, it ain't fun!!!

    Can he get a 3rd shift job so that one of you is always there for the kids and you could still afford your own place?

    Can you all set some money aside, find a GOOD marriage counselor and go for about 3 to 5 sessions to figure out a game plan that fits your situation?

    I agree, this is very hard on a marriage and parents do need to butt out. He could tell them that, but he would need to be very emotionally healthy to do so. If he has no job, his self-esteem may be very low and thus he may lack the fortitude to act in an emotionally healthy way with his parents and to some extent, with you as well.

    I hope this helps you. Best wishes. :-)

    Source(s): This is what I would have loved for someone to tell me when I was in your shoes years ago.
  • 1 decade ago

    sorry you not gonna like what i have to are so dang pathetic we women take on jobs cleaning cooking family etc...if he can't do something as simple as watch the children you both had while you make the money then he is a stupid dead beat.tell him to be the man get out and get a job and put a roof over your kids head instead of mooching off your parents.

    edit:wow,like we're really gonna help you now after you insulted us..look at what you wrote..if someone else wrote that wouldn't you think the same way and give the same answer? don't tell me you wouldn't..we are just expressing how it seems.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    seems such as you probably did not prepare your husband from the beginning up. He became led to believe which you may continuously extra healthful his pre-conceived notions. can not extremely blame him yet you may desire to the two shop cool. I homeschooled my 2 for countless years, so i be attentive to what you're dealing with. that's a superb interest. in case you may desire to, might you help in any element of your husband's interest? (i be attentive to. No time) yet maybe just to flavor a differant experience? nicely, have your better half seeing your interest as an experience. And tell him you're making waiting your babies for that school scholarship maybe neither of you had. in spite of you do, do not in user-friendly terms get an exterior interest and positioned your babies in daycare out of spite. I worked in a daycare one long fall season (those unfavourable childrens) whilst my childrens have been sufficiently previous to hold down abode.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have the job and you do all the housework??? That's just wrong. Overwhelmed or not, at some point he needs to kick it into high gear and do his job. He does have a job, he's just not getting paid in cash. (He is, though - a roof over his head and food on his table sounds like a payment....)

  • 1 decade ago

    There was a time in this country when men took care of their families. Now they are flaccid lumps of dung who sponge off the kindness of others. Do you hear yourself? You live with his parents? He doesn't have a job? Life could not be any easier for him. Help yourself with some work on your own self-esteem.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He should be doing the vast majority of the house work if he's staying at home while you work. Otherwise, what exactly is his contribution? He sounds depressed. Perhaps suggest he go see his doctor.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You need a place of your own !!

    Wont his parents help with the children

    while he goes to work too ?

    That way you could afford your own home .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let him get a job and you stay at home with the kids. He has issues that you can't fix. He has to want to get his issues straightened out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Women do it better because they multi-task better than men. There is not much that you can do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about getting your own place, for starters?

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