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Anonymous asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Will a divas match ever main event a PPV?

Before anybody jumps the gun, this is actually a serious question.

For a long time the division has been nothing short of erroneous, but with dexterous divas like Michelle McCool and Mickie James putting on meritorious matches lately, it looks like the quality of female bouts has improved. Granted, we don't have reputable booking, feuds, or females wrestlers for that matter, there is still some credibility left in the womens division, as little as it may seem at least.

So my question is not 'Do you think because of this a divas match will main event?', it's 'Will a divas match ever main event a PPV?'. It doesn't have to be now, it can be in five, even ten years time. Lets not forget Mickie James and Maryse, (despite how arid the match was due to the dead crowd), came just before the main event of Night of Champions. So can anybody here whole heartedly picture two women from the WWE main eventing a PPV? Even if it's a C one? Yes? No? Explanations are welcomed.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's possible but not at the moment, It is rare that women headline tv program but it has happened Lita v Trish, plus on TNA Gail Kim v Awesome Kong, Chyna perhaps headlined some programs but against men. None of the women in WWE is over enough to headline a PPV, the womens matches especially on Raw are a joke and not taken seriously. If you want to see serious womens matches I would sugest watching TNA for Tara, Hamada, Awesome Kong and Alissa Flash.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont think that will ever happen unless WWE made a PPV specifically centered around the Divas. That's about the only way it will happen. Outside of that, I highly doubt it because the most of the divas are still struggling with the most basic of wrestling moves. If WWE wants to plan a PPV for the Divas in which anything can happen, and I mean anything...hell in the cell, flaming tables, etc, and not censor anything like wardrobe malfunctions and place a higher rating on the PPV, then sure, take the risk and see if it would sell. But make it a very cheap and once in a lifetime PPV.

  • 1 decade ago

    no no no, the divas match cant be main event. i'll give u some sensible reasons for that.

    1. this is the men's world.

    2. there was only a women's main event match which belonged to trish and lita. if mickie and michelle can create such a great feud like them, they could have a chance somehow.

    3. if wwe creates a diva match in main event, the viewers would go home before it begins. u know why? becuz they still love men's match more than divas match.

  • The most a Divas match ever came to main eventing a ppv was when Lita won her second womens title from Trish Stratus on a eposide on Monday Night Raw.Other then that i don't think so unless The McCool vs James feud gets to the point where the 2 want to kill each other.Even then that match would main event only if The Undertaker,Kane,DX,John Cena,Batista,Edge,Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio were unable to attend the ppv and without them whats the point of ordering it

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, it has happened before and I really would like for it to happen again. While there aren't many girls there that are really talented right now, they do have quite a few. I could see it happening again but only if the WWE actually starts using the 'divas' right instead of having some of the more talented ones jobbing to people like Maria and Kelly(even though I admit she happens to be improving.) Also, they need to give them time to put on a good match instead of only having them wrestle for just a couple of minutes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Even though I want to be a WWE Diva when Im older sadly no I don't think there will be a PPV maineventer for the Diva's they just don't respect the women in the industry as much as they used to back in the 80's and 90's

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Wrestling has always been a "guy" thing. I recall my husband - an avid wrestling fan for many years - explaining that wrestling is like a soap opera for guys. Guys want to see other guys put in these over the top situations and prevail...or not. The ensuing drama, while it does appeal to many women, remains overwhelmingly something guys want to see and will pay to see it. Guys get emotionally invested in what other guys/wrestlers are doing, and don't get that same emotional involvement with women/Divas. Divas main eventing on a regular program? Sure. But not a PPV.

    Kind of like the ancient Gladiator against men (or lions or other animals). And Bull fights (Matador against bull). All this stuff appeals to the male craving to see a fight with incredible obstacles placed in one's path.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is a valid question ... maybe in the future we could see that. There's only 2 divas that could really steal the show ... and i think that would be Lita and Beth Phoenix.

    But of course ... one doesn't currently wrestle so i don't see it happening.

  • 1 decade ago

    No and I don't want that to ever happen as long as there's Divas like Michelle McCool, Maryse, The Bellas, Maria, and Kelly Kelly around.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well,I'm not sure. Maybe in TNA,but I HIGHLY doubt that happening with the divas,unless they start making them more merchandise and selling sh*t loads. Other than that,I don't see it happening,sadly.

    Source(s): This is beyond wrong,because it is the truth.
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