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im a 14 year old gay .....and im scared to go to hell....?

im really scared and confused.......please can someone enlighten me on whether i will go to hell or not? w/out all the bible quotes...ty

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why would you be scared to go to hell?

    Spending eternity with a bunch of old white guys who do nothing but sit around and talk about how they're right and everyone else is wrong seems like Hell to me.

    On the contrary Ghandi and Buddha and all of those bad-a people will be in Hell.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand what you mean to a certain point that you don't want to be beat down with all the bible quotes but, you're going to need God's word to help you and show you the truth. How else are you going to know whether or not you are going to hell, when you say no bible quotes, you're setting yourself up for people to tell you anything but what God says. You are afraid that God is going to send you there right? So you need to know what he says from his word, get the answer from him. Plus you're not gay, its just a evil spirit on you that need to be cast out. God doesn't make mistakes, he made man for a woman and woman for a man. Life itself will tell you that two males don't match up or two females. Its good that your scared and worried cause some people just don't care. Homosexuals will go to hell if they don't repent, but don't worry he will forgive you and help you if you repent (that means turn away from your sins) and don't act on it. When you get those feelings or thoughts just pray put your mind on something else and get rid of whatever or whoever it is that causes those thoughts or feelings, and read the bible. Its not going to happen overnight and its not easy, but if you're serious about it, be obedient to his word and he will not fail you. Plus research some stories about people being delivered from homosexual lifestyles. I know this answer is kind of long, but questions like these need more than one or two sentences.

    -Plus, you have to be FOOLISH to think that the old Testament doesn't apply today. The old and new Testament are one book together. Also to think that Romans was just talking about rape is the lack of understanding and wisdom. The person that said that is delusional, and unrepentant and don't want to change, thinking that being bisexual is okay. What about 1 Corin 6:9? Look don't lean on man's understanding, get the truth for yourself.

    -Also you have to be foolish, confused, and refuse to change to think that the God who created the heavens and the earth created people to be gay or bisexual. That's like saying he created pedophiles, beastiality, and ever other perversion that's out here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sweetheart, everybody sins. It's impossible NOT to sin at least once in life. If sinners go to Hell, then Heaven will be 100% empty. If there even is a Hell or even is a God, you are NOT going to Hell.

    I am saddened that society has lead you to have fear in such a matter.

    Good luck, cupcake <33

  • 1 decade ago

    ok I am not a relgioun person ok! :D but think of this is something different considered bad or should go to hell?!!? I know the bible says its probally a sin, but its a sin for them not accept difference they should be ashamed what a hateful bible book that is! sure they say staright marriage is rtradiontal but anything can

    Source(s): follow ur heart until the end of the rainbow
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, you wont go to tell, why would a god, make you gay, then damn you for all eternity for it, it has no logic. why would go create you, just to send you to hell ? your not going to hell, people who say so, are idiots who take the bible to litteraly and dont realize its a 2000 year old book, reflecting the 2000 year old ideals of the men who wrote it. take the message not the word of the bible.

    some things in this world just have no rhyme nor reason, they are simply violent and cruel, one of those things being hatred and bigotry by those who feel small, and stupid, who allow organized relgion to think for them and take things to an extreme and make others like us feel confused.

    just live, worrying about death and hell will only make u mad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. So many people read the Bible and decide "oh all gays are going to Hell" because of one little qoute in Leviticus and another in Romans. Well for starts Leviticus is the OLD TESTAMENT. most of it doesn't apply anymore. With Jesus we formed a new covenant based upon love and forgiveness. And as for Romans. If you read it in its original form (Hebrew) its not against homosexuals. It's against rape. So in short no you're not going to Hell. Love is Love. regardless of who it's with. Jesus told us to love. And that's exactly what we're doing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would you be going to hell, have you got really religious parents or something like that? Sounds like your already there, you see hell isn't fire and brimstone and all that shi t that religion tells us.Personally i don't think any of it even exists,but I believe your putting yourself through hell due to your own confusion about who you are.So I would say NO your not going to hell for being who you are or any other reason for that matter.

    Source(s): me the aethiest.
  • 1 decade ago

    look at it this way. there are many things that keep me from thinking GLBTQ people will go to hell.

    1) my agnosticism O_o idk whether or not there is a hell and I don't care, I'm more concerned with what's going on here and now.

    2) my religious theories include that this is in fact hell, we just don't know it, that's why we're just coincidentally here while the human race gets ****** over.

    3) why would you go to hell? I mean, god made me bi, so what right does he have to complain??

    don't worry about stuff lik this... it's here and now that matters, not then and there.

  • 1 decade ago

    well i dont even think hell exists

    but if there is a god, and he really is as nice and forgiving as he is made out to be in the bible, then he won't punish for something that he knows you have no control over.

    you are not hurting anyone, so you have nothing to be ashamed of.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just don't listen to these brainwashed people. God, hell and the tooth fairy are all in ya head or what you have been taught to believe. If you are happy then that is all that matters. Go with your heart. Have a great life anyway.

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