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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Why do some Christians quote Rev 22:18-19 as meaning the WHOLE bible rather than Revelation?

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy in this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will strike him with the plagues that are written in this book. If anyone takes away any words from the book of this prophecy, God will take away his portion of the tree of life and the holy city that are described in this book. - Rev 22:18-19

This is NOT referring to the WHOLE bible; it's only talking about adding or taking away from the Book of Revelation. Why do some Christians mix that up?

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1rst God never made a mistake & never will. Look up these verses: Deut 4:*2; 12:32; Prov 30:*6; I Cor 4:**6: Rev 22:*18-19. The same theme is pointed 2 in other verses so Rev applies 2 the whole Bible. Long ago I built jet engines & we had 2 follow the manual 2 the letter 2 ensure it was done correctly or ppl could die. God gives the same warning regarding the Bible 4 the same reason - ppl can end up in Hell thinking they're acting rightly. Its what has happened in most religions (which God said theres consequences more on teachers but also their followers - "u make ur children twice as much children of Hell.").

    Only 1 God can occupy infinity & that God is the God of Israel so theres no other gods. Infinity is the only place u can rightly claim u dont need a cause 4 ur existence & declare the end from the beginning (what the Bible does - why we're not 2 add/omit anything). Its only fully provable b/c Jesus is the 1 & only true Son of God & He wasnt speaking out of 2 let alone 1000s of the sides of His mouth [emphasis added] (no confusion). The crux of the problem is many (having limited knowledge) try 2 know what God did by imposing human limitations 4 understanding things 2 God's power/abilities (central issue of ur ?).

    4 40+ yrs Iv studied the whole Bible, some parts many times. 1 day I realized theres a truth that stands 4ever unchanged - what God speaks 2 in the Bible. Everything in the NT comes from, agrees with, adheres 2 the full purpose that God laid out in the OT & builds upon that. There4, anything any1 claims as the truth from God must fully comply with the truth of both the OT & NT or its not from God & Jesus. No claim can vary even 1 degree from whats written in the Bible. In the OT God states that He never changes (Mal 3:6). In the NT it states that Jesus never changes (Heb 13:8). Since Jesus did exactly what God wanted Him 2 do (Jn 8:28; 5:30, 14:6,9) then He didnt change the truth that God revealed from the very beginning (1 reason why the word is sharper than any 2 edged sword).

    The reason the 66 legit Bible Books r included is b/c they all stand on the same purpose in the same mindset on the same foundation/structure & deliver the same message (the Apocrypha or "lost" books dont adhere 2 this framework & contradict the real Bible books so they dont belong in the Bible - just b/c the Bible mentions other writings it doesnt make the book its written in Biblical/valid). The only thing changed thru Jesus is the way 1 achieves abiding by whats in the OT (that which is necessary). That is 1 must go thru Jesus who is perfect & there4, fulfilled the Law of the OT (purpose 4 Jesus' mission on earth so He could b the perfect sacrifice 4 our sins).

    Any claim of another testament or different teaching is equal 2 another (false) gospel, not the 1 true genuine Gospel of Jesus Christ. Any1 accepting another gospel, testament, book or teaching cant b a true Christian b/c its not from God (which the FLDS, LDS, Oc, RCc, Cc, JWs, Islam & others dont understand).

    Sadly many dont actually take seriously whats stated in the Bible (any revelation/vision must exactly match & reflect the truth that never changes in both the OT & NT or its not from God). Many think/act as if they r smarter than God but God outsmarted man - the Bible is the only 1 that cant be properly understood without going thru Jesus Christ & having true faith in Him (Jn 14:6; 5:39; II Cor 3:14; Is 29:11-12 - If Jewish ppl cant pierce the veil over the OT without Jesus (by His instructions) then 4 sure all gentiles cant). Its why theres many interpretations & many thinking its all fairy tales/a delusion (Jesus came bearing the sword of division).

    Its why theres many religions, built on what man wants God 2 b like (many fatal mistakes). I realized they cant all b right (Theres 1 Bible - why so many interpretations? - II Pet 1:**19-21). Religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't know). But it doesnt mean God doesnt know what He's doing. Who knows more about a house, the Builder or those moving in later?

    Many missed this: Jesus is the only 1 in history who said no1 can find our real God except thru Him (Jn 14:6; 3:3,5; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12). This means "the" truth was complete & finished thru what Jesus taught & did (NT reinforces the OT). There4, any so-called new teaching & all other religious beliefs r invalid & cant lead u 2 God. The truth is either the whole truth or its a lie. The truth is the absence of any lie. Either Jesus told the only whole truth or He's just a false prophet among many, whom should b disregarded. This would also mean God must not exist either (He either knows what He's doing or He cant b God).

    Jesus couldnt hv done nor said whats written in the NT unless He fully knew the entire OT (NT didnt exist while Jesus was on earth). Jesus couldnt hv known the entire OT unless God was with Him. The Apostles couldnt write the NT unless Jesus allowed them 2 remember & know why He was here (Lk 24:25-27,45) - Only God could cause it.

    The Bible severely warns us not 2 trust humans, not even ourselves, clergy/churches/scholars (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prov 14:12; Acts 17:11). So carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe or disregard what I write. It might save u from making the same mistake many made, getting caught up in religious beliefs having nothing 2 do with knowing God.

    Neither a label, title, name, its history, # of members, amount of time it existed or claims made about them (even persecution) proves anything - its whats practiced (with respect 2 the real Biblical truth) that makes it either the truth or a lie. Calling a dog god doesnt make it God. U can call anything anything - i.e Neither Jesus or the Biblical prophets were muslims no matter what Islam claims).

    A church thats very serious about finding the Biblical truth, understands what being Born Anew is about, might b able 2 help u but no1 can save u except Jesus (Jn 3:1-14 - note: Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus flat out told him he had missed the 1rst most important step, that he must b Born Anew or no matter how religious or good he thought he is he couldn't go 2 Heaven (Jn 3:3,5; Jn 14:6; Acts 4:12). No1 can live without breaking God's Law = sin - separates us from God (why we need 2 b Born Anew the right way).

    Whoever seeks Jesus Christ, the true Son of God, with all his heart & soul will find our real God & His Kingdom (u shall know the truth & it'll set u free). U can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make them drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him 4ever if u dont want 2 know Him His way (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? The truth of God remains 4ever unchanged while things of man dies with him, including his religions & gods, created in his image.

    On 1 hand, God hates us b/c of our sins - neither being a good person as judged by men or religion can save u. On the other hand, God loves us dearly enough 2 send His Son 2 die 4 our sins - so that thru Jesus our sins could b 4given if we sincerely turn 2 Him - Theres eternal hope only in Jesus Christ & His Bible.


    Source(s): The Holy One of Israel, Jesus Christ, God's Holy Spirit, the Bible, careful research & observation & 40 yrs of personal experience provided by the Most High - He who has the Son has the Father also but he who doesnt hv the Son doesnt know the Father either - it shall b sheer terror 2 understand the real message - God doesnt respect any man or his religions. It comes down 2 do u want 2 know who our real God is? Theres many ways that seem right 2 men but its end = death (theres only 1 path [not many] 2 God & thats thru Jesus). Biblical knowledge in & of itself wont save u. Borrowing true knowledge from others wont help u - if u hv a good meal poisoned with arsenic adding better quality food (patching it) wont cure the problem but it may prolong ur inevitable death but it'll b death nevertheless - its still part of the poisoned tree. Its useless 2 try 2 patch a tire thats full of holes (adding a little truth [usually stolen] 2 a lie only makes it a bigger lie). ***If Jesus came from God as His only Son as stated in the Bible then the Quran (doesnt agree with the Bible), the Book of Mormon (no such thing as "another testament"), JWs (rewrote some Bible verses - New World Translation) & other religions r wrong about Jesus b/c they demote Jesus 2 just a prophet or good man (1 way or another). If Jesus Christ isnt God's Son (false prophet) then the Bible & all others r wrong. We cant hv it 2 ways. Theres only 1 Jesus & there can only b 1 true Gospel (II Cor 11:4; Gal 1:6,9; I Tm 6:3). If Jesus is whom He says He is then Muhammad (muslim follower of Islam), Joseph Smith (Mormon = Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, LDS), Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs = Watchtower, Awake), most Catholics, many Protestants, Ellen White (7th Day Adventists), Mary Baker (Christian Scientists), the moonies (Unification church - Rev Moon), Church of Scientology (Dyanetics - L Ron Hubbard), Buddhism, Hinduism & others presenting other teachings/practices r the false prophets & teachers & must b disregarded. But I can assure u the truth is in the Bible (where Jesus was coming from in everything He did & said). Many (see above par.) claim they believe Jesus is the Son of God (however, even the devil knows who Jesus is) but having read the entire Bible (some parts many times) I state with authority that many dont know God or Jesus. If ur foundation of teaching is wrong it cancels out all ur other claims - u can call anything anything. Calling a dog god doesnt make it God. Jesus wasnt speaking out of 2 let alone 1000s of sides of His mouth [emphasis added] (He isnt the author of confusion - God's fixed order of things Biblical). Religion is about a generic god (spirit of religion) not what Jesus taught about our real God. He who would b wise gets away from all religion & seeks the 1 who came from God. Again, many ppl make the mistake of trusting a church "authority" over the Bible (where God & Jesus wrote the actual truth). If u dont know whats actually written in the Bible u cant tell if the church is on or remaining on the right path. A church is a house but if its not built on the right foundation (the truth in the Bible) it has no value 2 God - the mistake many churches hv made 4 centuries. 1 Lord, 1 faith, 1 baptism is regarding true Born Anew believers in Jesus (true body of Christ in Spirit & truth) not religious nonsense rituals & traditions of man (no matter what label they use) that Jesus emphatically stated r abominations b/c they rnt in accordance with Jesus' Biblical instructions (even a machine can b programmed 2 do rituals - God doesnt want robots). Whatever is loosed on earth is loosed in Heaven still must adhere fully 2 the Bible truth, what Jesus taught & 1 must hv right belief in Jesus 4 it 2 mean anything (what the Cc & others dont understand - The same is true with respect 2 Jn 20:31 - whatever, wasnt written in the Bible (deliberately left out) would still hv 2 adhere 2 the same foundation/structure & message or its not Biblical (the reason the Apocrypha/lost books dont belong in the Bible - also Jesus is the only High Priest [God is the only 1 allowed 2 b called "Holy Father" so theres no valid priesthood/rituals after Jesus' resurrection] - when the OT covenant ended [many try 2 keep the OT format - like the Cc] - NT is about God's Spirit & the physical relationship with the full Spiritual truth of righteousness [NT reinforces/explains OT & OT shows NT validity] not mechanical type religious rituals/practices & human traditions). Many dont know that God is well aware many would [un]intentionally twist & pervert His Word so He invented a system in the Bible that will never change (Just like God & Jesus - more visible in word 4 word [with right usage of the literal method] versions of the Bible). Regarding Bibles I recommend the English Standard Version (ESV) as its an easy 2 read but more accurate version than what others will suggest. Its very important 2 understand the most accurate Bibles r those that r word 4 word or a combination of word 4 word + the right amount of literal translation (4 readability). Presently, theres 30+ versions of the Bible (generally popular 1s). Only a few r translated close 2 whats in the original text. The ESV adheres 2 the word 4 word method while making it easy 2 read (literal method) - the best accurate Bible 4 the younger crowd - but its good 4 parents, children & others 2 b reading the same Bible 4 good communication (get 1 with verse references so u can easily look up related text). Many well-meaning ppl will suggest using the King James Version (KJV), claiming its the only "authorized" version (authorized by a human king not God). The trouble is that the KJV (& all Old English versions) is in older English (which was good in its day) thats not been spoken 4 over 130 yrs so its obsolete (u almost hv 2 learn a new language, why many stop reading it - using older English only helps promote Biblical ignorance). Other versions add in their own style/ideas or rewrite sentences obscuring the truth & the power of God (2 1 degree or another) such as the AV, ASV, NAV, DR, RE, NEV, [NASB], NKJV, NRSV, GNB, CEV, NCV, HCSV, NCV, NJB, NLB, NIV, NIRV, NLT, Living - the Way, Message & Paraphrased (click on my ID & look 4 questions about Bibles & my answers 4 more info).
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    When the Book of Revelations was written is debated by scholars. Some people believe that it was written in the year 95 or 96 at the end of Domitian's reign, others that it was written earlier in 68 or 69 in the reign of Nero. The first time a list of books was put together into the Christian Bible was in 382 by Pope Damasus I at the Council of Rome. This is the first time that Revelations became part of a larger book. Since it was not part of any larger bible at the time it was written, and the Bible as we think of it now was not put together for another 300 years, then the only way to read the words "this book" was it that meant simply the Book of Revelations.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok lets say that passage is only talking about revelations (which i believe its not but rather the whole bible). Why do you want to change or add/subtract from the bible? Most bibles are pretty consistent with each other, other than the NWT version, and have been for the past 1500 years or so so why do you want to add/subtract or change stuff in it now?

    Source(s): stuff
  • The original Ancient Aramaic text:

    18. "I am witnessing to everyone who hears the manifestations of prophesy of this book. If a human being augments* their [message,] God will bring over them the plagues that are written of in this book.

    19. "And if a human being reduces from the manifestations of this book of prophesy, God will reduce their share of the Tree of Life, and of that holy city, these that are written of in this book."

    This not jesus or God buy John that is saying this.

    There are people that call themselves Christians that don't know what any of the bible means.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because most christians are painfully ignorant of their own religion. They don't realize that the Revelation of St. John was (like all books of the bible) a seperate and stand alone book until about the 5th century AD.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rev 22:18-19 I testify to every one, &c. - From the fulness of his heart, the apostle utters this testimony, this weighty admonition, not only to the churches of Asia, but to all who should ever hear this book. He that adds, all the plagues shall be added to him; he that takes from it, all the blessings shall be taken from him; and, doubtless, this guilt is incurred by all those who lay hinderances in the way of the faithful, which prevent them from hearing their Lord's "I come," and answering, "Come, Lord Jesus." This may likewise be considered as an awful sanction, given to the whole New Testament; in like manner as Moses guarded the law, Deu_4:2, and Deu_12:32; and as God himself did, Mal_4:4, in closing the canon of the Old Testament.

    Source(s): John Wesley Commentary
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Strange seeing how Martin Luther, the First Protestant, wanted to remove Revelations from the bible. Along with Hebrews, James, 1,2&3John.

    The verse only refers to The "Book" Revelations. The Bible is a compilation of Books and letters, this is common sense... anyone (i.e. David, a Protestant) who applies this verse to the entire bible proves they should not attempt to interpret scripture because they are wrong.

    Besides the verse leads into Oral communications and helps dispel Sola Scriptura (The Bible Alone) even more, because it states those who HEAR these words, not those who READ. This is why it is important to tell the story of Revelations orally and not to change anything when it is told.

    Peace be with you

    <<<Devout Catholic>>>

  • 1 decade ago

    If you read the NT and OT in its entirety I think you'd be scratching your head. It seems everyone wants to quote some favorite part of it and make that their mantra above all others.

    It is what you want to make of it. It can be ambiguous, misinterpreted, or simply ignored. It was put together between 1700 and 1400 years ago and has been edited and re-edited and played with, transliterated and translated thousands of times.

    No matter what you say about it or read into it, its what you believe and know in your heart. That's why its called "faith".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh no some people mix up an instruction in a fake book! OH NO!

    Why do some people mix up stuff in the Harry Potter book? Again, who cares since it's a fictional account.

    Btw, being scared of being struck down by plague by changing Revelation is sort of like being scared to rip off the tag on your own mattress.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    perhaps they were not written that way by John, as the whole Bible did not even exist when he wrote those words, but certainly i believe this can be APPLIED to the whole Bible, IMO. i don't see that it makes any big difference in my beliefs.

    EDIT: I would also like to add that even though John may not have realized what he said would apply to a later book called the Bible, God knew, and the words of John were inspired by God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Putting John's book of revelation in the bible was the worst mistake made by the Council of Nicea. Some of the other apocalyptic writings that were rejected by the Council were almost as crazy, though. I've been to Patmos, and it's the proverbial desert island. You wouldn't have to be there too long before you started hallucinating beast coming out of the water, etc.

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