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Days of our lives question?

Even though we know it will never happen who else wishes that Bo would dump Hope take custody of Sierra and move on with his life with Carly? I dislike Hope so much. Everything is always someone else's fault. She is the one who moved out of the house and refused to come home or even wanted to come home until Bo and offered to help Carly. Then she turned into a little green eyed monster. I am so sick of her always getting what she wants. I wish that she would lose everything and everyone that she loves and then comes to realize that it is not all about her that other people have feelings and opinions. Like I said never going to happen but we can always wish.

5 Answers

  • Cat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would LOVE to see Bo and Carly get back together! I can't stand Hope. She loves to play the victim and blames Bo for everything. I seriously doubt the writers would do this because "Bope" is a staple on the show, but I agree with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wish that would happen too! I hate Hope now she has totally changed, I like Carly and Bo together so much better and I wish the writes would switch it up a little bit. Im tired of the Bope storyline and they are already repeating the Ciara kidnapping with Sydney, but i hope that it doesn't also break up Rafe and Sami because I love them together!

  • 1 decade ago

    In their heyday, Bo and Hope were it. Now, not so much. I haven't like Hope in a long time so to see Bo w/ someone else doesn't bother me one little bit. I wouldn't want it to be Carly but anyone else would be fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bo wants to be in charge of everything and never listen to anyone who can help them.This all started after Zack died and he couldnt see himself arrest his own daughter. Bo kept pushing Hope away. They made up moved on. Now That he is in charge of the police it went to his head. Their daughter gets kidnapped and he wants his wife to home and be a good little wife.Carly is back in town and he has to help behind Hopes back.Wish he makes his mind up and tell one of the ladies who is pining for and move on.

  • 1 decade ago

    well I think i would like that as well there story line is so dead. I thought it was going to happen bc I thought that it was mia that was Carly's baby but if its mel then she has trent as her dad. but I am sick of the bope story

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