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Why did God say "Come, let us go down there and confuse their language, so that they cannot understand...?

each other's speech."

Genesis 11:7

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Up until some point after the global Flood, all mankind “continued to be of one language [literally, “lip”] and of one set of words.” (Ge 11:1) The Bible indicates that the language later called Hebrew was that original “one language.” As will be shown, this does not mean that all other languages stemmed from and are related to Hebrew but that Hebrew preceded all other languages.

    The Genesis account describes the uniting of some part of the post-Flood human family in a project that opposed God’s will as stated to Noah and his sons. (Ge 9:1) Instead of spreading out and ‘filling the earth,’ they determined to centralize human society, concentrating their residence on a site in what became known as the Plains of Shinar in Mesopotamia. Evidently this was also to become a religious center, with a religious tower.—Ge 11:2-4.

    Almighty God gave their presumptuous project a setback by breaking up their unity of action, accomplishing this by confusing their common language. This made impossible any coordinated work on their project and led to their scattering to all parts of the globe. The confusion of their language would also hinder or slow down future progress in a wrong direction, a God-defying direction, since it would limit mankind’s ability to combine its intellectual and physical powers in ambitious schemes and also make it difficult to draw upon the accumulated knowledge of the different language groups formed—knowledge, not from God, but gained through human experience and research. (Compare Ec 7:29; De 32:5.) So, while it introduced a major divisive factor into human society, the confusion of human speech actually benefited human society in retarding the attainment of dangerous and hurtful goals. (Ge 11:5-9; compare Isa 8:9, 10.) One has only to consider certain developments in our own times, resulting from accumulated secular knowledge and man’s misuse thereof, to realize what God foresaw long ago would develop if the effort at Babel were allowed to go unhindered.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    One literary explanation is that the Hebrews were henotheistic, meaning that although they believed in the existence of different deities, they only worshiped one. Namely, the deity YHWH who is credited with creating Eden, leading the exodus, etc. So Genesis 1:26 describes a council of deities doing the creation, whereas Genesis 2 is about YHWH and Eden. This also explains why other entities like Beelzebul show up in the Hebrew scriptures (there's absolutely no indication that these are all supposed to be the same entity, even though Christians assume that, no thanks to the duality influence from Zoroastrianism), or why God says he's a "jealous god" (jealous of who?), etc. It sure makes a lot more sense than Christians claiming that "us" was the trinity, which was a belief not forged until centuries after the Hebrew scriptures were written.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Tower of Babel

    In part 1 of this video series we saw that God has given us an unbroken historical record of the history of man from the beginning of creation which we can chart, and

    in part 2, we discussed the flood of Noah, and the evolutionist’s response,

    in part 3, we are going to look at the story of The Tower of Babel.

    In Genesis 10 The Bible shows us some of the background of this event;

    Noah had a son named Ham,

    Who had a son named Cush,

    who had a son named Nimrod,

    (which would have made him Noah’s great grandson),

    and Nimrod, who was known as The Mighty Hunter, founded 4 cities and one of them was called Babel.

    In Nimrod’s day, everyone spoke the same language which makes sense. Since everyone descended from Adam and Eve and then from Noah, they would have learned the language of their fathers.

    But Nimrod did a bad thing.

    If we look back at Genesis 9:1 we find that God had told Noah and his sons to be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

    which would require that they move all across the face of the earth but what did they want to do? Stay there.

    And they decided to build a city and a tower of brick and stone whose top [may reach] unto heaven, and a name, lest

    3. "we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth".

    But God came down to see the what they were doing, saw the city and the tower and decided He would change their language.

    Genesis 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people [is] one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

    Genesis 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

    Genesis 11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

    Genesis 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

    So God changed their language to keep them from cooperating with one another against His will and spread them out all over the earth.

    If we examine the chart we see that God started 5 cultures, here;

    The Phoenicians who are also known as The Canaanites,

    The Chaldeans,

    The Egyptians,

    The Greeks, and

    The Chinese.

    And those cultures broke off into sub cultures and all the division that we know is a direct result of man’s sinfulness in Babel.

    At this time, all shared common ancestory and experience and they would have taken it with them as they spread out all over the earth.

    When I hear that 270 cultures have an account of The Flood of Noah which is different than The Biblical account, no problem.

    This is something that happens frequently when people retell stories.

    but when they start trying to carbon date those cultures and tell us that some of those people lived before Noah, that’s when I have a problem.

    The only problem that I am going to have with all that is if they try to tell me that one of the cultures existed before Babel because I know that the only way that they have to determine that is with their faulty carbon14 dating system.

    When we study the story of The Tower of Babel a question inevitably arises, “how did they get across the ocean?"

    This is a set of pictures from the Creationist museum in Alberta, Canada.

    They believe the earth has been splitting ever since and it continues to separate at a rate of about an inch a year, even to this day.

    And the name Peleg, who was born here, means ‘divided’.

    Typically we have understood that Peleg was born when the people were divided but it may mean that the earth was physically divided, too.

    All of our lives people have wondered about The Pyramids, sun worship, devices which are used to monitor the movements of the heavenly bodies and the calendar.

    And how did everyone all over the earth come up with the idea of seasons?

    Once we understand that all the cultures came from Babylon, it makes sense.

    Typically, we think that we are smarter than them and that we know more than they did but when you consider that Adam was genetically perfect and that he talked with God, that would give them the edge and they took that common knowledge with them.

    But did you know that there are pyramids all over the world!

    Here is a picture of The Tower of Babel. Archaeologists have even found the remains.

    It was a half mile wide at it's base.

    Once we understand that the people from here went to Egypt, does it surprise you that they would have pyramids in Egypt, too?

    And did you know that they have found pyramids in China, France, Mesoamerica, Nubia, Cestius and that they are looking for pyramids in The Ukraine and Bosnia.

    I printed out the pictures of these from Mexico.

    28 different pyramids in Mexico.

    They used struc

    Source(s): ref: The Tower of Babel
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because nothinmg was impossible to them. They were operating on 100% mental capacity. And their hearts were evil. God had to slow them down or they wopld have destroyed everything in sight eventually. They would have developed nuclear weapons much sooner than now. God had to keep them here on this planet till his plan of redemption was fullfilled.You may not like that answer, but it is why God did what he did.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe because they were confused already and killing themselves to get to the heavens. It could have been an act of mercy on God's part. This way they'd just give up and quit trying to do such a worthless act of building the tower.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the people tried to reach Heaven on their own accord. Not through God's will.

  • 1 decade ago

    God had a plan for humanity that satan wanted to stop with one religion and government, so God scattered humanity.

    look around, satan is trying to build another tower of babel: but this time, it will not be a scattering of humans but of the universe as we know it.

    That is why we christians say, enter into The Ark that is Jesus, and escape the coming damnation.

    you have been warned.

    Source(s): The Bible and The Holy Spirit of Jesus; The Healer and The Wounded, The Shepherd and The Lamb: LORD GOD.
  • Demi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Apparently cooperative efforts and cultural understanding among humans aren't his "thing".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because it is a simplistic child like excuse for some very shoddy writing.

    "Yes that's right god made all the languages, built a tower, they did, that's right, a tower! then god got angry (for some reason) and that's how languages started and if you don't believe that, you are evil, like Satan."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because the bible story is a twisted version of a much older sumerian story;

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