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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Creationists, These are alot of people to hate...?

As of 2008 a Gallup poll indicated that 36% of US adults agreed with the statement "human beings developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process.", 14% believed that "Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process." and 44% of US adults agreed with the statement "God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so."

Creationism is normally characterized as opposing evolution, though it also contradicts many facts in the fields of physics and chemistry (especially absolute dating methods), geology, astronomy, cosmology, molecular biology, genomics, linguistics, anthropology, archaeology, climatology, dendrochronology and any other fields of science that have developed theories or made claims incompatible with the Young Earth version of world history.

YEC was abandoned as a mainstream scientific concept around the start of the 19th century.[72] Most scientists see it as a non-scientific position, and regard attempts to prove it scientifically as being little more than religiously motivated pseudoscience. In 1997, a poll by the Gallup organization showed that 5% of US adults with professional degrees in science took a YEC view.

I mean, it doesn't just oppose evolution. It opposes almost everything... Does not the bible say that willfull ignorance is a sin?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OMG! This proves my point.

    The Fundamentalist/creationist/ID movement is a conspiracy to destroy Christianity from within and ruin public education in the process!

    Their unscrupulous leaders target uneducated but devout believers and convince them that “Genesis MUST be read literally” (even though it’s so obviously metaphorical), and that “evolution is a lie” (when it’s the very foundation of many major scientific fields). These charlatans are able to brainwash their audience by dazzling them with some pseudo-scientific jargon, fallacies, half-truths and out right lies. Since these people don't have enough information to realize they are being duped, they fall for it.

    The creationist leaders actually made up this whole "false dilemma"/”either-or” fallacy!

    “Believe ONLY in the bible or you are a bad Christian! Don't fall for science/evolution or you will be led by the devil.”

    This entire premise is a LIE because the Catholic Church, the Methodists, the Anglicans, the Presbyterians, etc. the majority of ALL mainstream Christians have NO problem with evolution or science! Biblical scholars from all the major Christian denominations, and even Hebrew scholars confirm that the metaphorical language used in Genesis 1-2 does NOT conflict with the truth of the MESSAGE: “God created the universe and established a special relationship with mankind.” In fact, Genesis actually PARALLELS major scientific discoveries (“big bang” – “let their be light” – what’s the difference?) The majority of Christians are able to see how evolution is an elegant part of God’s plan. Evolution IS the “divine design”!

    However, this small group stirs up a lot of political controversy (i.e. teaching it in school) so that all non-Christians, who could be potential converts, are made to believe that ALL Christians are morons.

    So, the general public, including potential converts, want nothing to do with Christianity.

    Diabolical no?

    These poor deluded, but faithful people believe they are doing "God's will" when they are actually doing the exact opposite. Their websites are just filled with fallacies, lies and misinformation. If they weren’t so dangerous to our school children and Christianity in general, it would be laughable.

    This whole ridiculous controversy is one entirely of their own making! It's kind of sad & disturbing.


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Because evolution *is* an observed fact. Denying that because it contradicts some ancient superstitious myth is entirely worthy of ridicule. When, on top of that, they make up evidence (and always rather clumsily, making it obvious to anyone with a 5th grade education how ridiculous and fake it is), lie about facts, constantly offer up straw-man versions of "evilution" to try and knock down, show complete ignorance of basic science that a high-school freshman should know, and -- worst of all -- lie through their teeth...there's nothing to respect. See, I would respect somebody who learned about science and evolution, realized there is tons of evidence supporting the positions of science, and yet still believed in "creationism" -- honestly admitting that the evidence isn't on their side, and saying they believe out of hope, comfort, tradition, etc. Honesty I can appreciate and respect. But I have yet to meet any such creationist. The vast majority are incredibly ignorant, and nearly every one is dishonest on top of that. There's no way I can respect that. I absolutely respect their right to believe it if they want -- but I don't respect in any way the proven-wrong, superstitious, nonsensical, mythical ideas they claim are "truth" and lie about. And I don't care if the "mock" evolution -- doesn't bother me a bit, the evidence is strongly on my side. Peace. edit: there was never any "previously accepted flat-earth theory" genius. Ignorant people driven by religion thought the earth was flat before there *was* science. It was science that showed it wasn't flat. See what I mean about dishonesty?

  • Guest
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If we are being crippled with statistics we can produce any arguments we like.

    For example of the 6.5 billion people on earth over 95% believe in Supreme Intelligence in creation.

    We don't need test tubes and telescopes.

    We just need to look at the hands and brains that made them.

    Pure chance?

    Please yourself.

    Source(s): We believe God outranks all and holds the key to all scientific knowledge and dominion in and through the setting up of precise laws.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Firstly Daniel, Yes the Bible says it but it is referring to people who deny God and His judgment of the world by Noah's flood. Here is that scripture .

    For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.2nd Peter 3:5-7

    Secondly , Creationist Christians do not hate people who believe in the lie of evolution. We know that this big lie has been shoved down your throat by the same evil secular school system that used to teach the truth when the bible was the main textbook in every classroom. All the evidence in the fields of science you name in fact point to the truth of creation. The sad truth is that evolution has become the religion or opiate of science and has no basis in reality or fact. There is zero , none , zip , nada, not any concrete evidence that evolution is true.

    Thirdly there is a wealth of evidence for creation, DNA, the working of the human eye, and the truth of the Bible. The Bible records the flood and the flood left indisputable evidence of it's occurrence and therefore the Bible can be trusted in the creation account as well. Of course there are many people, like you and the people above who do not believe the truth and the Bible predicted this also.

    Fourthly, God never used evolution to create anything . There are zero, zip nada none transitional fossils. yet there are human footprints alongside dinosaurs in Glenrose, Texas , seashells on Mt Everest, and vast deposits of animal and vegetable matter laid down and transformed by the flood namely coal, oil, gypsum and etc. It is the religious fervor of atheistic evolutionists that have purposely blinded them selves to the real and obvious facts. It is atheists who are truly wilfully ignorant or dumb on purpose.

    Fifthly, The truth is evolutionists cling to this lie because they do not want to give up their sin. Rather than honestly saying " I will not obey God", they say "There is no God" thus foolishly thinking they have absolved themselves from the consequenses of their sin.

    Sixth and lastly, C.S. Lewis said there are only 2 kinds of people. Those who say to God , "Thy will be done" And those whom to God says " Thy will be done" The first group says to God , "I agree with you Lord and I want to do things your way". God honors their choice and brings them into heaven . The second group says to God." I disagree with you God, I want to do things my way." God honors their choice and their will is done... they send themselves to hell. Its your choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    Willful ignorance is a sin and the following after man's silly idea of evolution is just that.

    15 pounds of paper containing man's peer review ideas of it could have been, possibility was this way, might be like this,could have been, etc. Attempting to connect A to B to C over millions of years with nothing but vague ideas on paper.

    The numerous scientific 'ologies' actually support creation; the evidence is very clear but the refusal to see and accept it is the willful ignorance.

  • 1 decade ago

    no you appear to be wrong

    science looks at the physical not the spiritual

    regardless what people say and claim.

    god out ranks a scientist

    god knows what he did where as the science guesses with will full ignorance of the spiritual.

    god created every thing

    just because men refuse to believe it does not mean god did not do it.

    the stats appear to be wrong also

    In the U.S., only 14 percent of adults thought that evolution was "definitely true," while about a third firmly rejected the idea. a third is 33% reject evolution.

    The investigation also showed that the percentage of U.S. adults who are uncertain about evolution has risen from 7 percent to 21 percent in the past 20 years.

    The researchers cite a 2005 study finding that 78 percent of adults agreed that plants and animals had evolved from other organisms. In the same study, 62 percent also believed that God created humans without any evolutionary development.

    more scientist believe in god then not

    According to a survey of members of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, conducted by the Pew Research Center in May and June this year, a majority of scientists (51%) say they believe in God or a higher power, while 41% say they do not.

    In Pew surveys, 95% of American adults say they believe in some form of deity or higher power.

    And the public does not share scientists' certainty about evolution. While 87% of scientists say that life evolved over time due to natural processes, only 32% of the public believes this to be true, according to a different Pew poll earlier this year.

    so its not like you state.

    people still believe in creation and god not evolution

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    You sad sad misguided fool. :( I shed a tear for your lost soul.

    Seriously though who made you think you are capable of understanding things so much that you are sure that you are right and nothing will change your opinion. You humanist trying to make yourself seem important and independant really I pity you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why does hate have to come into the picture. This world hates differences and has for centuries. Interesting the ruler of this world also promotes hate. He is Satan himself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus love you.

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