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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Have you ever met a christian who does not judge other people?

I have not

Jesus told Christians not to judge other people

Paul told Christians to judge other people... he said take special note of those who do not abide in his teachings so that they will feel ashamed

The old testament commandments people not to exclude people from their company.

Dueteronomy 25:1

1 "If there is a dispute between men, they are to go to court, and the judges will hear their case. They will clear the innocent and condemn the guilty. 2 If the guilty party deserves to be flogged, the judge will make him lie down and be flogged in his presence with the number [of lashes] appropriate for his crime. 3 He may be flogged with 40 lashes, but no more. Otherwise, if he is flogged with more lashes than these, your brother will be degraded in your sight.

In the bible 40 means despair and 41 means isolation...

This means if someone sins against God and is guility of breaking his commandments, you may cause him despair, meaning you may make him feel bad for what he did, but you may not cause him isolation... that is you have no right to judge them and put yourself in a higher position then them... to separate yourself from their company is to degrade them in your sight.

So would you agree that Paul was wrong for telling Christians to judge others?

And have you ever met a chrisitan who doesn't judge other people?

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    JESUS said "Judge not otherwise you might be judged yourself, for the same rule of thumb you use to judge others will be the same rule of thumb used to judge you".

    The word "JUDGE" has 2 meanings, one means to discern good from bad right from wrong the other means to PASS SENTENCE or to condemn.James also alludes to this passage when he says "those who judge without mercy will be judged without mercy".

    The context here uses the word judge meaning to condemn,not for discerning good from bad,because LATER JESUS said "You will know a tree by it's fruits" in other words a good person from a bad person by their actions.

    JESUS also said"If you judge, judge a righteous judgment" meaning get your facts straight first.

    It is not wrong to judge someone as a thief if you see them breaking into your neighbors house and carrying their things out.

    It is wrong to say there is no hope for them and they deserve hell and GOD should send them there pronto.

    THAT is the difference but most people do not understand this.

    1 Cor 6:1 says the saints will judge the world,also read Revelation 20:1-5.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have. I know plenty of Christians who are very accepting and loving of all people. I have learned a lot from them about how I should view people. We all have issues, and my mindset has been changed to realize that the bad things I see in people usually have a reason. I have seen how our past hurts and circumstances alter our path and send us down roads that cause us to become a certain way. I can't look at a person and see their sin and write them off. I have to care enough to show Christ's love and understand that I too have sin and Jesus loved me anyway. Jesus didn't ask me to clean up my life before coming to Him, so I can't expect that of people. The whole point of the OT was to show us that on our own, we are incapable of being holy. So why should I look down on someone who isn't holy?? That's the point! They just need Jesus exactly like I do. He'll clean up what He needs to as they experience His love. That's what He did for me.

    I believe when Paul told us to judge one another it was in the context of fellow believers. Matt 18 as well shows how we should confront our brothers found to be in sin. I have been in a fellowship that practices this and I think it is a wonderful thing. The church is viewed as hypocrites by the world, and I think if more churches practiced Matt 18 that wouldn't be so much the case. If we hold each other accountable, it strengthens us to get free from sin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Judge - not so much in that sense...

    but i grew up in a christian country, in a christian family, had christian friends and went to a christian schooll

    and since i converted out of christianity - although i still have some christian friends, ive yet to meet a single christian religious enough to attend church even once a year that hasnt taken the opportunity at some point to tell me how sorry they feel for me because my life must be so empty without jesus and that if id only stop being so hardhearted and let jesus in id be happy and loveable etc etc ..

    that really annoys me.. i can take all the fire and brimstone stuff cos i dont believe in it....but the patronising, psyco babling, looking for any sense of vunerability to play on ''we love you so much in jesus crap '' and ''you just cant be happy without jesus''

    THATs annoying ...

    My life has never been happier since i abandoned christianity and its narrow minded ways...

    christianity is full of hypocrisy and christians in my opinion are seriously misguided about what jesus actually taught...

  • 1 decade ago

    It's built into the religion. In order to feel "saved" you HAVE to have "the unsaved", in order to feel secure in your own salvation. Without judgment of other people, the Christian would be filled with anxieties about their own fate.

    This is why IMO Paul's heresy about Jesus "saving" us (which Jesus never taught) was a very regrettable error.

    Muslims are no better off if they divide the human race into "believers" and "non-believers".

    Same type of unfortunate alienation from humanity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Shrug. Depending on whose definition you use, it's possible that I've never met any Real True Christians(TM) at all.

    Because if I had, you see, why then I would no longer be an atheist.

    Source(s): That's what they tell me.
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes a very dear friend of mine . We are at different ends of the spectrum in matters of theology . Yet she has never once berated what I believe . Even when she is totally opposed to what I may say or think

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never met anyone that doesn't judge other people at some point. If you think you have then you must have poor judgement :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I've actually met quite a few Christians who do not judge other people because of their beliefs. You must have very limited life experience, or you live in a very strongly Christian area where tolerance and acceptance is not the norm.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I have. They're not ALL bad.

    Aren't you being judgemental? Judging those you consider judgemental?

    Try minding your own business about what other people do and say - inlcuding your fellow Christians.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most people judge others in some way.

    I am a fundiephobe. I am intolerant of intolerance.

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