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i need help with my frendz problem..?

ummm.. my one friend has a religion that says she must keep her hair covered. she's going 2 be going to high school. soon (she's new to the state). and i think ppl will make fun of her. do u guys hav any advice like anything at all. shell be like the only one who will have her hair covered. i just dont want her 2 hate her high school years becuz of it. annd plz dont say ignore them becuz i hav tried that and didnt work. she even thought about pretending to wear it in the house but when she gets 2 school, she takes it out. do u guys think they will make fun of her or ignore her becuz of her religion?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like she is Muslim, try asking this question to the attention of the Muslims. They might have some ideas on how to deal with it since they are also covering their hair.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I recommend that she pray the rosary daily. See the following promises.

    The rosary is explained here:

    The fifteen promises of Mary to Christians who recite the rosary:

    1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.

    2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

    3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against Hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.

    4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

    5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.

    6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.

    7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.

    8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death, they shall participate in the merits of the saints in Paradise.

    9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

    10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.

    11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

    12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

    13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life and at the hour of death.

    14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only Son, Jesus Christ.

    15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

    God bless!


  • hakeem
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    She must be proud of her beliefs and wear it any time.She might reflect the good islamic behaviour in return.Remind her with these verses which describe the true servants of Allah:

    63 And the servants of the Beneficent Allah are they who walk on the earth in humbleness, and when the ignorant address them, they say: Peace.

    64 And they who pass the night prostrating themselves before their Lord and standing.

    65 And they who say: O our Lord! turn away from us the punishment of hell, surely the punishment thereof is a lasting

    66 Surely it is an evil abode and (evil) place to stay.

    67 And they who when they spend, are neither extravagant nor parsimonious, and (keep) between these the just mean.

    68 And they who do not call upon another god with Allah and do not slay the soul, which Allah has forbidden except in the requirements of justice, and (who) do not commit fornication and he who does this shall find a requital of sin;

    69 The punishment shall be doubled to him on the day of resurrection, and he shall abide therein in abasement;

    70 Except him who repents and believes and does a good deed; so these are they of whom Allah changes the evil deeds to good ones; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

    71 And whoever repents and does good, he surely turns to Allah a (goodly) turning.

    72 And they who do not bear witness to what is false, and when they pass by what is vain, they pass by nobly.

    73 And they who, when reminded of the communications of their Lord, do not fall down thereat deaf and blind.

    74 And they who say: O our Lord! grant us in our wives and our offspring the joy of our eyes, and make us guides to those who guard (against evil).

    75 These shall be rewarded with high places because they were patient, and shall be met therein with greetings and salutations.

    76 Abiding therein; goodly the abode and the resting-place.

    77 Say: My Lord would not care for you were it not for your prayer; but you have indeed rejected (the truth), so that which shall cleave shall come.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's her choice whether to wear it or not, but she should not remove it just to "fit in".

    Kids can be ignorant depending on their upbringing and their parents, but they may not be. She could try educating them about her beliefs and why she wears it and just be herself.

    And a head covering does not necessarily mean she's Muslim. Several other religions require head coverings, including some denominations of Christianity.

    Source(s): agnostic atheist
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Your friend needs to make her first stop in her new school be the guidance counselor. Your friend needs to have some adults looking out for her rights and she needs to be willing to confide in some trusted adults at the school when she feels threatened. School is for getting an education and every child in the US is entitled to feel as safe as possible in school.

    Then, your friend needs to take a look to the left and a look to the right. Her head-covering is minimal in comparison to what some of these kids will face in life.

    I went to public school in a new state for part of 10th grade after being in Christian schools my entire life. I had to wear skirts and dresses to the public school, because that's what I had to wear at the Christian school and my parents couldn't afford a new wardrobe for my sister and me. We got made fun of incessantly. We survived and you will, as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, yes i do.

    i wont lie

    they will mock, they will tease.

    i wonder if she will hold on to the religion that makes her the subject of jokes.

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