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Lv 6
subasu asked in Consumer ElectronicsLand Phones · 1 decade ago

Caller ID not working?

I bought a GE handset Model 29273GE2-A from Canada. The instrument was manufactured in China. It appears that the Caller Id will work only in Canada and is pre set to Canadian system. How can I change it so that I can have it reflect the caller ID in India? Any help would be most welcome.

1 Answer

  • Carl N
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    India's CID is DTMF and the cordless phone is looking for Bell System FSK data. You can Google EX200 or try this link

    I don't know if there are other brands or sources in India, but looking for DTMF TO FSK CONVERTER brings up a whole list of choices. Perhaps one will be near you.


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