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Lv 7
iceman asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Isn't the constant communist,socialist,terror alert scare tactics, the mother of all conspiracy theories?


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15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yep... The right is using the conspiracy theorists to their full advantage.

    One could point out that the left was using them during the Bush administration.

    But common, that guy was President during the worst terror attack on US soil ever, he used deception to initiate the first ever unilateral overthrow of a soveriegn nation, his administration accepted hundreds of millions of hours of electronic communication records - pardoned all the corporations for breaking their own privacy contracts, he publicly sanctioned torture as acceptable US policy, quintrupled the size of our private commando armed forces - i mean the guy was doing scary **** right out in the open.

    Meanwhile - Obama pushing for health care reform has been his great authoritarian crime.

    That's it - that's the biggest thing they have to substantiate their accusations. Everything else is petty crap such as, he bowed to a king. Or he said a cop acted stupidly.

    Yes - the Republicans had a good run exploiting the hardline Christians - and now they are propping up the anti-government conspiracy theorists with the same motivation in mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a socialist, I would have to say yes. Unfortunately, when most people think of communism, they think of totalitarian states like the old Soviet Union and China. And of course that means the abolition all freedoms and the elimination of those who show dissent. But those were not Marx's ideas. When the right uses the words Communist or Socialist, it's their brand on anything they do not like or understand. They may not know one thing about communism, but they heard it was horrible from some guy on talk radio.

    I would love for someone to show me so current socialist trends or policies from the last year or so. I've been looking for some myself.

  • 5 years ago

    Fear is the main tool of many politicians, certainly that of the present US admin. It is so bare faced obvious that it is a bit scary how many people are manipulated by it. I have found this forum to be the home of many who go along with being scared of anything they are told to be scared of, these people are often quite simple minded, and read something into the coincidence of the names Obama and Osama. And when it gets to Hussein, they think the case is closed. What can you do about someone who doesn't have the urge to think for themselves, it's all very sad.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, it would be, save that as a democrat who has been watching my party slide into socialism ever since the Socialist Party of America said outright that they would use the Democrat Party as their face to America, and since a wide variety of our government representatives are Democratic Socialists (actual group, look it up), with similar ideas and goals, I'd have to say it isn't conspiracy...'s fact.

    We've been told for decades: "It's only a little socialism. What are you afraid of?"

    Now you say that never happened.

    Sorry, I'd have to say you haven't got a leg to stand on with this question.

  • Spook
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would only hope you were right. I have children and grand children that I would love to see live the free life that I have had. If your premise is correct, no problem. If wrong, once started there will be no turning back and future generations will suffer for our error in judgment. Time to put politics aside and take a long hard look at where we are and where it will lead us. Who here in this forum is so sure of politicians that they are willing to bet the well being and future of their children on them. I for one am not that trusting of anyone with great power, the temptation to abuse it is too great.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you mean the word socialist is a scare tactic? I prefer to look at it as a waring Much like you would with children ''If you keep spinning around like that your going to get sick''

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean the constant and false crying of "Communist" and "Socialist" scare tactics? And yes - they are one great conspiracy to make people campaign and vote against their own interests. A republican specialty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Like when Leon Panetta, CIA Obama appointee, used scare tactics to say a terrorist attack is immanent. That is a conspiracy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Brain washing in US is in full force. Useful idiots do not even know what Communism or Socialism really means and represents, but they already condemned both. Terror alerts are being used for fear-mongering. It is way easier to rule people who are in constant fear. Only in America.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a goulash in a lump sum? Would not consider terrorist as part of the conspiracy

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