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The Greatest Scientific Hoax of all Time?

Not even 30 inches of snow falling on Washington has discredited claims of "global warming," the belief that human activity is appreciably warming our planet. Of course, a single snowstorm does not disprove global warming. Weather is not the same as climate. But even after a decade of unexpectedly cool temperatures, global-warming alarmists still show no skepticism. Skepticism is a core value of science.

In "1984," George Orwell wrote about Big Brother (government) being so powerful that it can persuade people to believe things contrary to their senses. It even can convince them that two plus two is not equal to four.

Eventually the truth will out. When global warming finally is recognized as the world's greatest political hoax, those discredited will not be the perpetrators.

The perpetrators are politicians and traditional media. After the credibility bubble bursts, the same politicians and media will continue to influence what the public is told. They will effectively claim that they never misled anyone. The fall guy will be science.

Lost in the confusion will be the distinction between science and the scientific community.

The scientific community has largely abandoned science. It has degenerated into little more than just another lobbying group seeking advancement for its members.

The scientific community gets it right when the stakes are unimportant. It effectively opposed such anti-scientific nonsense as creationism. If the religious zealots had won, children would be told that the Old Testament described things that really happened. Not good - but it would do little harm and certainly would not harm the world's economies.

How starkly the vigorous opposition to creationism contrasts with the community's near silence in response to the anti-scientific nonsense coming from the likes of Al Gore. Worse than silence, in all too many cases, the community has been an enthusiastic participant in an orgy of unreason. It has been an orgy lubricated by almost limitless opportunities to grab influence, physical resources and cool cash.

Galileo Galilei, the father of experimental science, was convicted of a crime in 1633 for stating "that the Earth is not at the center of the universe, and it moves." This contradicted the then-prevailing belief, supported by most highly credentialed astronomers of the day. His sentence was house arrest until his death in 1642.

Galileo was treated more leniently than earlier pioneer Giordano Bruno, who was burned at the stake in 1600 for similar crimes.

Then, it was fear of the unknown that threatened intellectual freedom. Today, it is governments and international bodies. While they do not execute or imprison heretics, they still wield enormous power.

"Climate of Fear. Global-warming alarmists intimidate dissenting scientists into silence" was the headline on a column in the Wall Street Journal by Richard Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mr. Lindzen writes, "Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their grant funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves libeled as industry stooges, scientific hacks or worse. Consequently, lies about climate change gain credence even when they fly in the face of the science that supposedly is their basis."

It is easy to create the illusion of consensus when those who disagree are silenced.

It is not known what the majority of scientists think about global warming, not that it matters all that much. Science is not about counting votes. However, I can offer an anecdotal observation.

I am a scientist, while my wife is a professor of art history. Her colleagues generally think all scientists support Mr. Gore - after all, they have been so informed by such authoritative sources as the New York Times. My fellow doctorate-holding science colleagues generally share my conclusion: The claim that human activity has appreciably warmed our planet is the greatest political hoax ever.

Many specific actions supported by global-warming alarmists are admirable. We ought to pollute less and transfer less wealth to Middle Eastern oil-producing tyrannies. These issues should be addressed on their merits. They have little to do with global temperature.

To do sensible things for irrational reasons just validates irrationality. And who can tell what future horrors will be justified by irrationality?

When the global-warming hoax eventually collapses, the victim will be science. When science suffers, we all suffer.

Leonard Evans has a doctorate in physics from Oxford University and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed papers on many scientific subjects.


Dawei, in case you are blind the author is at the bottom of his writing..

Weiss Ente... all I can say is "are you a real person? Read the piece before you make a comment. Obviously you didn't.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're projecting, quite cluelessly too.

    Creationism isn't dead. You also misunderstand the gravity of the situation. The Old Testament nonsense isn't the problem. It's the fact that teaching creationism tells kid that faith is equal to evidence when it comes to deciding truth.

    This time you are on the other side. The data are one sided, and it's not your side. The scientific community's response to global warming denial is quite similar to its response to evolution denial. Both forms of denialism are quite similar and they're dealing with them the same way, in other words quite ineffectively.


    I read it. It was nonsense. The person you plagiarized it from was even more clueless than you.

  • 5 years ago

    Well hoax implies an intent to deceive (so anything that was just a mistaken belief has to be ruled out). The Piltdown Man would probably be #1. It is a famous hoax in which pieces of a skull and jawbone found in 1912 were believed to be the fossilized remains of an early form of human being. The specimen was officially given a latin name (Eoanthropus Dawsoni) after its collector Charles Dawson. In 1953 it was exposed to be a fraud consisting of the jawbone of an orangutan and the skull of a fully developed adult man. The Piltdown hoax is probably the most famous hoax in history. It has become so well known for two reasons: the attention it brought to the issue of evolution, and the length of time (over 40 years) that it took for anyone to discover it was a fraud. My opinion on global warming is it is occurring, but I'm not convinced that man is at fault as much as the mainstream media would have you believe. And with all the recent "cover up" evidence that has surfaced, I feel my doubts are justified.

  • 1 decade ago

    The comparison to scientists of 400 or 500 years ago is ridiculous, scientists then were either clergy or rich men who pursued the field as a hobby, history has completely forgotten all but a few like Galileo and Copernicus stand out, who were literally the first real scientists.

    As usual you contradict your self

    "This contradicted the then-prevailing belief, supported by most highly credentialed astronomers of the day. His sentence was house arrest until his death in 1642."

    Nicolaus Copernicus put this theory forward long before Galileo was even born, Kepler a contemporary of Galileo did the solid math that proved it, Galileo supported the work Kepler these men are the great scientists of their time, working this out if you do the observation is not that hard, the Greeks were able to do this 2000 years years ago.

    As far as the opinions of the other "astronomers" of the time, the penalty of being burned at the stake would make the public opinions of these men, meaningless.

    While it is probable that art history Professors get their information from the New York Times, climate scientists don't, they get their information from Science, Nature, GRL, JATP and other climate related journal or their own research.

    And then there's this "I am a scientist" I don't need to comment on that, your own words show the improbability of that statement.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is not an answer but only a thank you for articulating some of the things I think needed to be said. I wish we all could see 100 years into the future and we would know what this all meant. While I don't agree with everything you said I do think that people in the future will wonder how we got where we are with a global warming scare that got as far as it did with the "science" that was provided. I only wish more people were capable of thinking.

  • Jeff M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The greatest scientific hoax of all time is Piltdown Man. This is coming from me. I have a doctorate in annoying both evolution and global warming deniers. I have authored over 1000 posts on these subjects.

  • David
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I know you didn't leave that out on purpose. Just thought I'd add it in for you before someone accuses you of plagiarizing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are the proof that Orwell was right - as were Lee Atwater and Karl Rove.

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