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Do you think taking protein supplements after working out helps build muscle?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably do. But stick with meat and potatoes. Much safer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes of's good to have a high protein diet though but no harm in giving yourself that extra boost of glutamine etc.. to speed up muscle repair.if you're looking for an all in one(whey protein,glutamine,all your branch chain amino acids and creatine) i hear 'maximuscle cyclone' is one of the best for bulking up although it's not that cheap. Heard a cheaper version of all in one is 'muscle milk'.And also if you're taking supplements it's also good to take day after training as muscles are still repairing and need the proteins etc. to build.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it does, but you can get the exact same benefit from eating a protein filled meal after exercising. Lean meats, beans, vegetables, whole grains, things like that and you won't have an issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes my friend.... definetly....i mean you must take protein supplement if your planning to gain

    size and muscle..i don't know what your goal is you tryn to reach but with out taking protien you basically wasting your time working out....i suggest taking protein shakes before and stright away after your last rep....remember you grow only by eating and drinking protein....Good luck...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Depending on if you are tearing tissue in your workouts, or just toning muscles, Your body needs the protein.

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