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We have been TTC for an year now.?

Dealing with PCOS. Just found out that my cousin's wife if preggers within 2 months of TTC

I feel so jealous & sad that I feel like crying. has anybody gone through the same feeling?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, KNOW that you are NOT alone (in the past 3 years of us TTC, SEVERAL people have gotten pregnant besides us, including my own MIL, our next door neighbor, my DH's cousin, and my childhood best friend all without trying)

    Second, I think anyone that has been ttc for any length of time without success has those types of feelings.

    Third, something i've learned is that sometimes, when we are on this journey, there are times when we just NEED to cry, and that's okay. It's okay to be jealous and sad, sometimes, you just can't let it take over your life. If you need to avoid (or can't handle) her baby shower (or other baby related activities) then that's okay too. I personally cope by writing, that's what helps me, i'm not saying it works all the time and there has been more then once that i found myself weeping. But, after a good cry, I pick myself and go on with my day and try to be the best friend/wife/daughter etc I can be because even though i have personal struggles, there are still people that love and care about me and i know there are people that love and care about you too.

    Despite that inspiration paragraph, it may not have made a a dent, so by a medical standpoint there's a couple of things. You know you have PCOS, that's a start, question is, what are you doing to treat it, there are several routes but you and your doctor have to choose what's best for you. Being that you already TTC for a year you could look into other things (such as clomid) if you haven't already. Also (always) of course, eating a healthy diet and getting exercise are key (blah blah blah). There are also some herbal meds that some people have had success on (such as vitex). is a good place to vent or to talk about PCOS.

    Source(s): TTC for three years Diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism in Oct 09.
  • 1 decade ago

    Hi hun

    We've also been TTC for a year and I understand totally what you are going through (minus the PCOS)

    Yesterday we found out that my fiance's brother is going to have a baby, his GF is only 17 and still in school and she was on the pill.. it just makes me wonder how it can be so easy for some people... I feel exactly how you feel about your cousin and his wife.. Sad, jealous, frustrated and just feel like breaking down.

    I did get pregnant last May on only our 2nd month of TTC, but had a miscarriage at 6 weeks which was devastating, but we thought 'hey at least we know we are fertile and it happened so quick we will be pregnant again in the next couple of months'

    But nope here we are a year later having tried EVERYTHING (BBT, OPKs, preseed, etc) and I just dont know what we are going to do

    People tell us to stop stressing as that can affect fertility, but we dont stress about it. When ovulation time comes, we have fun with it and we dont put ourselves under loads of pressure. So I know its not stress thats affecting us

    I dont know what we are going to do next, I think we are going to order home fertility tests from online and see how we get on with then. If I am not pregnant by may we will go to the doctor and get the proper tests, hopefully it wont come to that but by the way things are going it probably will...

    Anyway I am rabitting on here, I'm gonna add you to my contacts and you can email me any time if you want to chat or even if you want to rant, I'm a good listener and its always good to chat to people who can understand exactly what you're going through


  • 1 decade ago

    I don thave PCOS or dont know it yet but good luck...

    We have been TTC for a while now and yes i definitively feel like you, I feel your best friend is pregnant but i am happy because the first time she had a miscarriage. one girl from work just came back from a maternity leave and when she got back she was saying she was already pregnant AGAIN....then another girl in another department is pregnant....its terrible....I have been talking with another girl that went tru hell before having her baby she is trying for the 2nd and is dealing with the same issue....i like talking with her...we need to talk with someone that can understand our feeling. Here its the the same thing...Hope you find someone to talk too...Good luck baby dust.

  • 1 decade ago

    Me and my husband haven't been officially trying yet so I can't relate to you in that way, but I have felt for some time that I was ready to be a mother. Its a gift I feel nobody should have to be without if they want it as badly as some do. I watched my sister-in-law and her fiance get pregnant recently and I did feel a pang of jealousy which I expressed to my husband. I was selfish in feeling I was more ready. Honestly though I (and you) will get our turns when it is time and it will be amazing in a special way. Good luck with everything your going through.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes i think alot of people do..

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