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Why did Sarah sell out the people of Alaska?

When she saw the opportunity to sell out the people that elected her they were history

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because she's a Republican. 'Nuff said.

    Source(s): I do my homework.
  • 1 decade ago

    I live in Alaska.

    Palin did not 'sell out Alaska'. She left us with a $2.6 Billion dollar surplus and got the new gas pipeline moving......... something none of the other Alaskan governors had been able to do in 50 years.

    After the GOP nomination - she had no choice. The press were up here like locusts - half of them were idots and ******* - too scared to leave their Anchorage hotel for fear of getting eaten by polar bears.......... to stupid to Google polar bears and learn they lived 1200 miles to the north. As a sitting governor she would not have been able to speak her mind - or - work on the book and at Fox.

    Why are you so concered about her quitting? Or did you forget that Obama and Hillary both quit their Senator jobs they were elected to?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why doesn't she believe in dinosaurs? Why does she think a magical zombie from ancient Israel will return one day to take her to another dimension?

    There are many unsolved mysteries in the mind of Sarah Palin

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