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i just asked a ques. bout GOD creating the universe---alot of silly answers---but there is a NEW PLANET?

CALLED PLANET -X- google sky map would have shown it-BUT NASA has blocked the visual of the exact location,,, this planet x is moving into our solar system and is surrounded by 4-5 SUNS which is part of the reason (if not all) we have so-called global warming!!! NOW, DID GOD CREATE THIS PLANET??? WHICH IS SAID TO BE POPULATED BY BEINGS???


hey guys dont take my word for it GOOGLE IT and you will see for ya self it not in the news cause it would cause havoc amongst the world,,, and what you dont know is not CRAZY,,,

Update 2:

also these suns are not the same size as ours mush smaller and the planet-x is bigger than saturn

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah...sure there is.

    I have an 18" telescope. Why don't you give me the coordinates? NASA can't block that.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There are new planets being formed in nebulae all the time. Just none anywhere near the Solar System.

    If it were moving towards us surrounded by 4-5 suns, the gravity would rip the Earth apart, not cause it to warm up.

    Out of interest, where did this information come from?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    photograph that God is a guiding rigidity that provides the types and logic for the enormous Bang to apply. there is potential (the Bang) however if it choose actualities to attempt at. A reason there is order rather of chaos. however if that's a mild God who works by maximum appropriate and persuading, not capturing lightening bolts in any respect people who displeases his royal highness (an concept borrowed from the Romans i think of). So issues crawl, continuously in the direction of bigger and greater pleasing existence. inspite of each and every thing, the universe is God's conciseness, the fact that provides him some thing to pay interest to.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep. NASA has discovered PLENTY of new planets. The thing is, we have no idea what these places are like. Its like standing on one end of a street and seeing a person waaaaaay down the block, about a half mile distant. You know its a person but you can't see what they look like.

    Did God create this new planet?

    Probably. He supposedly created EVERYTHING. The thing is we're only now able to look out further than before. Think of it as living at home, thinking the whole world is made up of nothing but where you live, and suddenly finding out you live in subdivision X, and a couple of streets over is subdivision Y.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "-BUT NASA has blocked the visual of the exact location,,, "

    And that's where I stopped reading. I mean Nasa is about exploration and discovery, just like all credible Scientific organizations. They don't hide things, they show them off.

    Now, off to bed with you, the men will be along with the restraints very soon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you're actually serious, don't you think that we would see 4-5 extra suns floating about in the sky? The sun isn't exactly easy to hide...

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Remove your tinfoil hat. Walk in 3 counter-clockwise circles. Take some dirt from the ground and smear it on your forehead in the letters "JA". You are now protected from planet X.

    (Warning: This procedure will attract gnomes.)

  • 1 decade ago

    i suppose there could be a planet held in stasis by 4-5 brown dwarfs but i doubt it. if they are there God made them. beyond that is anyones guess. i'll let you know after NASA contacts me. ok?

  • 1 decade ago

    oh yea cuz nasa would be able to block out our view of 4-5 suns.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow beings eh? thats go back into the room with the padded walls...

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